Prevalence of fluorosis in children between 4 and 15 years of age according to Dean’s index and its association with the level of fluoride present in drinking water


  • Jessica Masabanda Olivares Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Alejandra Cabrera Arias Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Ana del Carmen Armas Vega Universidad Central del Ecuador



Fluorosis dental, Flúor, Abastecimiento de agua


Objective. Identify the prevalence of
fluorosis in children between 4 and 15
years of age according to the Dean’s
index, and determine its association
with the level of fluoride present in
drinking water from Cotopaxi province.
Subsequent to the authorization by their
parents and approval by the committee
of the Central University of Ecuador
Methods. 115 participants between the
ages of 4 to 15 years old were examined
following validated photographic
registration protocols, after verifying and
fulfilling the inclusion criteria, along with
the supply water samples were collected
following the adequate protocols and
examined for the presence of fluoride.
The obtained photographs were analyzed
by three certified evaluators, who were
trained in the differentiation of the
degrees of fluorosis according to Dean by
means of the Kappa index. Results. The
values emitted by each evaluator were
tabulated and processed through the
SPSS program, using the statistical test of
Chi-square and Spearman’s correlation.
The absence of a statistically significant
relationship between the variables was
Conclusion: The presence of mild to
moderate fluorosis in the analyzed
population is not related to the
percentage of fluoride present in drinking


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How to Cite

Masabanda Olivares, J., Cabrera Arias, A., & Armas Vega , A. del C. (2021). Prevalence of fluorosis in children between 4 and 15 years of age according to Dean’s index and its association with the level of fluoride present in drinking water. O.V., 2(35).



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