Essential oils with antibacterial activity: possible uses and administration in the dental practice


  • Cynthya Sin Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (IMIT- CONICET)
  • María Rosenda Britos Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
  • María Ester Chamorro Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
  • Dario Fernandez Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
  • Silvia Ortega Universidad Nacional del Nordeste



Anitmicrobials, Dental caries, Streptococcus mutans, Functional foods



Introduction: Dental caries is one of the most prevalent
diseases worldwide, whose clinical
consequences are directly related to
the quality of life of individuals. Likewise,
dental care requires a high cost and
is often beyond the reach of certain
communities. Although this disease is
produced by the confluence of different
factors, one of them is the economic
factor, which is why a low-cost medicinal
alternative is sought, and the approach
in turn of another factor, perhaps the
most important, which implies the
development and multiplication of the
initiating microorganism of this disease
that is Streptococcus mutans.
Currently, the consumption of medicines
of natural origin is known for the
treatment of some diseases, including
tooth decay. The use of essential oils that
prevent the development of St. mutans in
dental biofilm is being investigated and
the objective of this work is to update the
knowledge about its biocidal action and
its applications in dentistry. The objective
of this work is to update the knowledge
on the biocidal action of essential oils and
their possible applications in dentistry.
Results The essential oils from citrus
fruits such as lemon, mandarin, orange,
as well as eucalyptus and oregano,
show bacteriostatic activity, and in some
cases, bactericidal against Gram + and
Gram - bacteria. Conclusion according
to the information collected, the use of
these oils through biotechnology would
be beneficial and would contribute to
the management of oral health without
altering the normal oral microflora of the
human being


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How to Cite

Sin, C., Rosenda Britos, M. ., Chamorro, M. E., Fernandez, D. ., & Ortega, S. (2021). Essential oils with antibacterial activity: possible uses and administration in the dental practice. O.V., 2(35).





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