Electrosurgery in current dentistry


  • Alejandro J. Amaíz Flores Universidad Central de Venezuela U.C.V.




Electrosurgery, electro-scalpel, technique electrosection, electrocoagulation


At the global level, electrosurgery is not widely used in the dental field, which may be due to the use of the laser and the lack of knowledge associated with the technique; it should be noted that such procedures are not usually taught in most dental schools. In addition, to the above, both opponents and defenders of electrosurgery have presented clinical studies and conflicting reports that may dissuade the dentist from using this technique. Therefore, the aim of this article is to delve into the current knowledge of electrosurgery in dentistry; likewise, it is intended to illustrate the information with a clinical case. In this way, it is concluded that electrosurgery is an auxiliary tool in dentistry; where their applications will depend directly on the skills, and knowledge of the operator, both the principles of the technique and the structure and functioning of the tissues where it is applied, being important, the appropriate criteria to know when can resort to this therapeutic measure or not, considering it as a complement and not as a method that can be applied to resolve all clinical cases.


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How to Cite

Amaíz Flores, A. J. (2018). Electrosurgery in current dentistry. O.V., 1(28), 91–101. https://doi.org/10.59334/ROV.v1i28.166



Research Article

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