[Original in spanish ] Update of techniques for the treatment of periodontal recessions.
https://doi.org/10.59334/ROV.v1i40.602Palabras clave:
Odontología, recesión gingival, cirugía plástica periodontal, Cobertra radicular, injerto de tejido conectivoResumen
Background: Along the years, a remarkable variety of periodontal surgical protocols has been proposed, the focus of which has shifted from the mere resolution of a soft tissue defect to the performance of predictable and minimally invasive procedures. Initially, the free gingival graft was used. Subsequently, many different techniques were experimented, including those using soft tissue substitutes, such as the Alloderm membrane. Nowadays, the association of the connective tissue graft with the coronally advanced flap is considered the gold standard. Finally, the Pinhole technique, being a more conservative method in terms of tissue preservation and aesthetic outcome, was proposed. Objectives: The aim of this review was the comparison of the updated techniques for the treatment of multiple periodontal recessions, affecting both maxilla and mandible. The procedure outcome was assessed in terms of complete root coverage, recession reduction, gain in height and volume, aesthetic outcome, patient’s post-operative pain and morbidity of donor and recipient sites. Material and methods: Electronic and hand searches were performed to collect split- mouth studies, randomized controlled clinical trials, case series, pilot studies, periodontal books, case studies, systematic reviews and meta-analysis, including maxillary and mandibular multiple gingival recession defects of all four Miller’s classes, for its extensive evidence. Results: Thirty-four publications were included and data regarding the surgical techniques outcome were extracted from eighteen articles. The clinical evaluation analyzed the amount of complete root coverage, recession reduction and gain in height and volume, while the patient’s perspective was expressed in terms of aesthetic satisfaction and possible postoperative complications. Procedures in the last ten years showed better results in all the above-mentioned factors. Conclusion: Procedural predictability and long-lasting treatment stability embody the factors driving the technique election process and adding value to more updated procedures. Progress was observed both at an aesthetic level, by reducing the discrepancies between the surgical region and the surrounding tissue, and at a postoperative level, by reducing patient discomfort. The challenges inherent to this branch could soon find answers thanks to its prompt evolution, which allows for further advances to be conceived.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Debora Scandola , Marta Muñoz Corcuera , Gabriela Gil Abando, Emilio González Ibarguren

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