Solubility of two glass ionomers submerged in artificial saliva for 21 days




Glass ionomer, solubility, in vitro, inmersion, artificial saliva





In general, glass ionomers suffer from clinical issues such as solubility in the saliva found in the oral cavity. Solubility influences marginal integration, surface properties, and aesthetics, which can lead to the failure of restorative treatments.



This research aimed to compare the solubility of two glass ionomers submerged in artificial saliva for a period of 21 days.





An in vitro experimental study was conducted, where 15 Ketac Molar Easymix® glass ionomer tablets and 15 GC Gold Label 2 glass ionomer tablets were prepared. They were divided into groups of 3 tablets for each type of glass ionomer, resulting in 5 groups with 3 tablets each. A tare weight was recorded to exclude the exclusive weight of the group of 3 tablets, and then the weight of each group of tablets was measured using an analytical balance. Subsequently, each group of 3 tablets was submerged in artificial saliva (KIN Hidrat brand) for 21 days and then reweighed after careful drying to evaluate the percentage of weight loss due to immersion in artificial saliva.



Statistical analysis was performed using Excel. A database was created, and the Shapiro-Wilk normality test was applied, showing that both groups had a normal distribution and were homogeneous samples. The percentage of weight difference due to immersion in artificial saliva had a mean of 3.18% for Ketac Molar Easymix® and 4.012% for GC Gold Label 2. The t-test for independent samples was also applied to compare the groups' percentage of weight differences. Although the significance level was 0.55, indicating no statistically significant difference in the means of the two types of ionomers, it is highlighted that, from a clinical and practical perspective, each sample represented that three glass ionomer tablets of the same brand and vial had gained significant weight. This suggests potential clinical relevance in the application of the ionomers.



The in vitro study concludes that GC Gold Label 2 glass ionomer exhibited higher solubility, represented as a percentage after 21 days of immersion in artificial saliva. The study also found that both glass ionomers showed significant weight gain after immersion in artificial saliva. Although the statistical analysis did not show a significant difference between the two groups, the results may have important practical implications for the clinical application of these materials.


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Author Biography

Jardiel Steven Sevilla Reñazo, Universidad Católica Redemptoris Mater

Universidad Católica Redemptoris Mater.

Facultad de Odontología.

Managua, Nicaragua


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How to Cite

Sevilla Reñazo, J. S., Alemán Lainez, K. M., Pérez Lacayo, C. del S., & Delgado Méndez, M. A. (2024). Solubility of two glass ionomers submerged in artificial saliva for 21 days . O.V., 2(41).



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