Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Odontología Vital editorial team is committed to ensuring the quality of manuscripts published in the journal. As such, the editorial team expects all parties involved in the publication process, including authors, reviewers, editors, sponsoring institutions, and the publisher, to adhere to international standards for ethics in academic publishing.

The publication of an article in the peer-reviewed scholarly journal Odontología Vital is a process of permanent knowledge improvement.  The journal encourages open publishing digital articles. Additionally, it considers its duty to promote the transmission of scientific knowledge, ensuring its rigor and quality, under the ethical commitment of the scientific and academic communities. The protocols and guidelines described make reference to the Code of Conduct for editors of scientific journals that established the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Duties and responsibilities
Odontología Vital is committed to:
• assuring the quality of the scientific material published
• guaranteeing freedom of expression
• maintaining the academic integrity of the content, ensuring that the published material follows internationally accepted ethical norms
• publishing corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed

Obligations of authors
Authors must guarantee the authorship of the documents presented. Authorship corresponds to those who have made a significant contribution to the work. If the work has significant contributions from more than one author, these contributors should appear as co-authors.
Authors must provide contact information in order to facilitate communication with other researchers in relation to their published work. This contact information will appear with the published work.

Originality and plagiarism
Authors must ensure that they have obtained permission to publish any materials presented in their work, as well as having exercised the right to quote other author´s work.
Those manuscripts in which plagiarism is detected will be rejected. Likewise, an author should not submit originals to describe essentially the same work as previously published.

Odontología Vital should respond promptly to complaints.
In any case, if the individuals involved are unable to satisfy their claims, they have the right to raise their protests to higher authorities.

Protecting individual data
Odontología Vital guarantees the confidentiality of individual information. It is the authors’ responsibility to obtain authorizations to publish images and trademarks used in their work, and any other personal data (e.g. age, sex, social status of study participants).

Monitoring malpractice
Odontología Vital accepts the obligation to act accordingly in cases of suspected malpractice or misconduct. Any manuscripts that raise questions about possible misconduct will be rejected.
Odontología Vital will make every reasonable effort to ensure that the manuscripts submitted for evaluation are rigorous and ethically appropriate.

Integrity and academic rigor
Any time a published article is suspected of containing major misstatements or misleading or distorted information, it must be corrected immediately.
Any manuscript whose content is found to be fraudulent will be removed immediately from the indexing systems and it will not be available for reading.

Any author, reader or reviewer may send complaints by email to Odontología Vital: