Comparison in technique to the inferior alveolar nerve in dental students from different academic years


  • Nicolas Yáñez Yáñez Universidad Andrés Bello,
  • Omar Aguilera Medina Universidad Andres Bello
  • Sandra Cortés Vásquez Universidad Andrés Bello



The anesthetic technique to the inferior alveolar nerve (NAI) was compared between the performance by fourth- and fifth-year students of the Dentistry career at the Andrés Bello University, Santiago. The objective was evaluating the performance and success of the technique before a simple dental extraction. The students invited to participate signed an informed consent. A survey was conducted that contained an informative protocol for the student with the steps to follow, then, at the end of their clinical care, had to answer a series of multiple-choice questions. Through this survey, it was evaluated how many students could achieve a correct inferior alveolar nerve block with only 1 tube of anesthesia and how many required additional anesthesia after having injected the first tube of anesthesia, before starting the surgical procedure. Also, the amount of anesthesia tubes that the students used to perform the extraction in a painless way was quantified and how many required an additional anesthetic reinforcement intraoperatively. Thereby, a comparative analysis between both generations of students was carried out in relation to the use of the anesthetic technique. Of the 104 participants, it was found that 57% of the 4th year students and 65% of the 5th year students achieved a correct anesthetic technique at the NAI with a single tube of anesthesia. There were no significant differences in relation to the academic year completed and the variables studied except for the need for anesthetic reinforcement after a successful anesthetic technique, where 4th year students needed to perform more intraoperative pain control.


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How to Cite

Yáñez Yáñez, . N., Aguilera Medina, O., & Cortés Vásquez, S. (2022). Comparison in technique to the inferior alveolar nerve in dental students from different academic years. O.V., 2(37), 38–49.



Research Article


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