Time spent in dental tourism

Based on the research: Analysis of the time spent in dental medical tourism procedures in Costa Rica and the postoperative control in the dental clinics accredited by PROMED, in the period from july 2013 to february 2014.


  • Xiomara Elena Barquero Díaz Universidad Latina de Costa Rica
  • Mario Mondol López Universidad Latina de Costa Rica
  • Juan José Gómez Ávila Universidad Latina de Costa Rica




Dental medical tourism, time spent, implant, postoperative


Dental medical tourism is extremely popular in Costa Rica and is a great opportunity for dental workers. The Council for International Promotion of Medicine in Costa Rica (PROMED), reassures that the highest percentage of these medical patients are attracted by dental tourism, and therefore the importance of knowing about this population, the time spent to customize the trip and postoperative management to promote the success of the treatments, which is the fundamental objective of all oral surgeons. This research aims to inform dentists about the time spent for dental medical tourism and postoperative control, which was based on the following results: the average stay is 7 to 15 days and postoperative control is adequate.


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How to Cite

Barquero Díaz, X. E., Mondol López, M., & Gómez Ávila, J. J. (2015). Time spent in dental tourism: Based on the research: Analysis of the time spent in dental medical tourism procedures in Costa Rica and the postoperative control in the dental clinics accredited by PROMED, in the period from july 2013 to february 2014. O.V., 1(22), 20–26. https://doi.org/10.59334/ROV.v1i22.280



Research Article

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