Peer Review System

Arbitral Committee: There is a special committee in charged of judging your works. This board is made up of revisors, faculty members of the network of schools of Odontology of the Laureate International Universities and other academic institutions acting as outside evaluators.


Peer Review: Once the article has been received by the Editorial Council, it will be sent to the double revision committee or the Arbitrator Committee. Evaluation here will follow the double blind system (two different evaluators). These revisor will have two weeks to render their peremptory verdict (excluding weekends). The results will be given following the format delivered along with the original article.


At the end of the assessment the revisor should state if:


  • the essay is fit for publication, without any changes
  • it is approved, with certain modifications. Which must be done by the author. These necessary changes should be pointed out.
  • it is not fit for publication.


If the judges do not come to an agreement and the article is rejected; it will be sent to another revisor to help solve the discrepancies an decide whether it is published or not. The Editorial Board will be the body responsible for the final decision to accept or reject the publication of the articles. The final decision of acceptance and rejection of the manuscripts will always be based on the evaluation of the external expert evaluators. If there are differences of opinion, the Editorial Board reserves the right to send the document to an additional review round with other external evaluators.

If the essay is accepted with changes, the writer will be informed of these changes and dead line for resubmission.


Dates of reception and acceptance of article will be stated


The fact that an article is not accepted does not necessarily mean that its quality is poor. It could be that it is not related to the topics of our journal; that it does not add any new findings to theme in question or even that it is a similar article to one already published by the same writer, among other reasons.