The Professional Role on Multi Professional Health Science Teaching


  • Santiago Rodríguez-Sibaja Universidad Latina de Costa Rica.


Multi Professional, Multi Disciplinary, Trans Disciplinary, Competences


This article reflects a necessary change on Health Professional University Education based on a Multi Professional and International Competence Curricular Model. It analyzes the traditional Flexnerian Model characteristics and its impact on the Costa Rica’s Health System. A traditional model with an Individual Professional University Education, based on an isolated knowledge environment that affects the required team work necessary to today’s professional exercise reality. It deals with analyzing the importance of having as reference the health determinants and the change on the health requirements as a product of the Costa Rican human development advance. The essay is based on international studies that analyzes Traditional Health Science Education and its change in relation to the new generations and within the new times of knowledge and communications advances. It reflects the necessity of changing the methodology and the strategies for knowledge, using technology as the clinical simulation resources and the active knowledge methodologies.


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Author Biography

Santiago Rodríguez-Sibaja, Universidad Latina de Costa Rica.

Director de Salud y Bienestar de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y Director de la Escuela de Farmacia de la Universidad Latina de Costa Rica.



How to Cite

Rodríguez-Sibaja, S. (2015). The Professional Role on Multi Professional Health Science Teaching. GAU, (1), 13–27. Retrieved from


