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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines



The article can be regarding to an original research project, a clinical case or a review of literature and should be submitted in an electronic format (Microsoft Word for PC or compatible) and double spaced. On the first page, you should state the following:


  1. The title of the article in Spanish as well as in English
  2. First name and family names of the author or authors
  3. Institution that he/she represents
  4. Country
  5. e-mail address


The articles must be written in Spanish and have a maximum of 8,000 words (not including the abstract, key words, author's note, references, tables, figures and annexes).


Articles should be written following the norms of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition (2010) or the newest edition.


Authors are thoroughly responsible for any commentaries and opinions stated in their articles. Revista Gaudeamus, Universidad Latina de Costa Rica and Laureate International Universities cannot be held responsible for anything negative that could be derived from affirmations made in articles.


All articles related to experiments done on human beings, should be accompanied by documents issued by the Committee of Ethics of the institution where the experiment is carried out, stating its approval. Data that will expose the identity of the subjects of experiments should not be included. Neither should their names, features, images through photograph. Unless there is a written authorization from the subjects. The original document must be delivered to Dirección Editorial of the Journal Gaudeamus.




In order to give some orientation to the reader and to identify the basic content of the article very quic- kly and precise and to determine the relevance of the article; there should be an abstract presiding it: a précis in English as well as in Spanish. The length should not exceed 200 words; in which the purpose of the study or research will be shown; the process followed: the most important findings (specific data and their statistic significance, if possible) and the main conclusions. Emphasis should be made on new and important aspects of the study or observations both in English and in Spanish.

Keywords: The reason for their inclusion is to make use of them to choose describers; in order to find references of the journals included in the electronic data base. Choose four in English and in Spanish that will be helpful to those responsible of classifying the study.



Introduction: The purpose of the article is stated here. The logical bases of the study or findings. The problem is identified and the reasons for the reseach is stated; the hypotheses are stated and also the pertaining objectives.


Method: A clear statement of how the subjects under observation or that took part in the experiment were selected. Method, tools and procedures used, must be described in sufficient details to enable other researchers to reproduce the results. Reference of certified methods, including those of statically type should also be given.


Development: Whenever possible, references on design of study most be of present day activities more than of original articles where they have been described for the first time. Limit the number of figures and tables to the lest necessary in order to explain the central topic of the article. The use of graphics instead of table can sometimes be much more didactical.


Results: Results are submitted following logical sequence through the text, tables and figures that might contribute to the  clarity of the explanation. Highlight or summarize only important observations. Describe your findings without bibliographic notes.


Discussion and Results: In this area, the theoretical contribution of the author is produced and also new knowledge and the hypotheses for new studies. Here we want to stress on the new important aspects of the study and on the conclusions derived from them. Keep in mind that information and data already delivered should not be repeated. When appropriate, recomendations can be included


It is not unusual for the conclusions to be included in the discussion. Answers to the research question or questions posed in the introduction that led to the design and carrying out of the research, must be explicit.


Bibliographic references: All bibliographic references should be in alphabetical order and are not supposed to be numbered. They should be inserted in the text and not footnoted, in low case, except if it is the first letter. In accordance with the norms of publication of research of the Psychological Association (APA).


Peer Review: Once the article has been received by the Editorial Council, it will be sent to the double revision committee or the Arbitrator Committee. Evaluation here will follow the double blind system (two different evaluators). These reviewers will have two weeks to render their peremptory verdict (excluding weekends). The results will be given following the format delivered along with the original article.


At the end of the assessment the reviewer should state if:


  • the essay is fit for publication, without any changes
  • it is approved, with certain modifications. Which must be done by the author. These necessary changes should be pointed out.
  • it is not fit for publication.


If the judges do not come to an agreement and the article is rejected; it will be sent to another revisor to help solve the discrepancies an decide whether it is published or not. If the essay is accepted with changes, the writer will be informed of these changes and dead line for resubmission.


Dates of reception and acceptance of article will be stated


The fact that an article is not accepted does not necessarily mean that its quality is poor. It could be that it is not related to the topics of our journal; that it does not add any new findings to theme in question or even that it is a similar article to one already published by the same writer, among other reasons.


Originality: Any work submited to us for publication, should be accompanied by a formal letter with the autor·s or authors· signature afirming that:


he/ she/ they are thoroughly responsible for the contents of the article.

he/she/ they are the author or intellectual author of the document.

the article is original and unpublished.

it is not in the process of publication elsewhere.

Gaudeamus Journal, la Universidad Latina de Costa Rica as well as Laureate International Universities cannot be held responsible for anything that could be derived from the publication of the content of the article, its implications, or relations with the health of patients or intellectual rights of the content if any dispute should come about.

The author or authors authorizes Gaudeamus to publish, reproduce, distribute and put the article on the Internet.

Artículos académicos

Original academic articles are accepted...

Reseñas bibliográficas


The section for bibliographic reviews aims to provide critical and reflective analyses of recent academic works in each thematic area specified in the respective Call for Proposals. It seeks to foster debate and discussion on relevant topics for our academic community.

Types of Works to Review

We accept reviews of books, articles, reports, and other academic publications that are relevant to the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences. Works must have been published within the last six years, accompanied by a justified analysis of the current context.

Review Format

  • Length: Reviews should be between 1,500 and 2,500 words.
  • Structure: It is recommended to include a brief introduction, a summary of the work, a critical analysis, and a conclusion.
  • Citations: The most recent APA citation guidelines must be followed.

Submission Process

Reviews should be submitted through the journal’s manuscript management system at Envíos | Gaudeamus (

Please include a brief biography of the review author (maximum 100 words).


Reviews will be evaluated by the section editor and, if necessary, subjected to peer review. The decision regarding publication will be final.


All reviews will be treated confidentially until publication.


By submitting a review, the author grants the journal the rights for publication and distribution. Authors are advised to retain a copy of their work for their records.

Originality Policy

Reviews must be original and not previously published on any other platform. Plagiarism detection tools will be utilized.


For any inquiries related to the submission of reviews, don't hesitate to contact the editorial office at 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.