About the Journal


  • Goal

GAUDEAMUS is a biannual publication of the Universidad Latina de Costa Rica, an institution with more than 30 years of experience in training and empowering ethical, innovative leaders with a global vision. The investigations that are carried out are through joint work with the public and private sectors, to increase the country's competitiveness and social progress.

The task of this journal is that the quality intellectual production activities generated by academics and students, both local and international, are evidenced with editorial support due to the significance they can have in the daily life of the 21st century, regardless of their differentiated origin ( research, extension and/or social projection).

  • Thematic Coverage

Authors are invited to submit their original, unpublished contributions in English or Spanish. Contributions include qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods empirical research; brief reports of ongoing research and practice that do not rise to the level of a full empirical study; case studies; critical literature reviews; essays; Editorial pieces that address current issues in the aforementioned areas.

There are no filing fees or processing charges. Peer-reviewed and published articles have covered the following topics (submissions are not limited to this list):• Health Sciences• Law• Engineering: Teaching, Research, and Social Responsibility• Best Practices in Teaching and Learning in health sciences.• Business Administration• Hospitality and sustainability.• Architecture and sustainability. However, special attention will be given to productions derived from Social Sciences.

  • Target Audience

Gaudeamus is an academic journal that aims to reach the Costa Rican and international intellectual community, as well as its own university community; students, teachers, and administrative people.