A Site fidelity of a newly identified Orcinus orca Specimen Identified in Costa Rica (Family: Delphinidae)


  • César Castro-Azofeifa Proyecto Orcas en Costa Rica
  • Tania Ramírez-González Tecnológico de Costa Rica


keystone species, ecology, Costa Rican Pacific, killer whales, citizen science, marine mammals, monitoring


Orcinus orca, as apex predators, exert a significant influence on ecosystem dynamics, serving as an indicator of ecosystem health. The implementation of tracking systems based on orca specimen identification has emerged as a highly effective conservation strategy. This study represents the first individual identification of an orca in Costa Rica. A male orca specimen was identified based on two cuts in the dorsal fin, enabling tracking for four years across four sightings in three different locations. The establishment of a tracking system for orcas is crucial for understanding their ecology, behavior, and susceptibility to anthropogenic pressures. For this, a collaboration between scientific research and citizen science is needed. The ultimate objective of this study is to create a comprehensive catalog of orcas in Costa Rica.


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How to Cite

Castro-Azofeifa, C., & Ramírez-González, T. (2024). A Site fidelity of a newly identified Orcinus orca Specimen Identified in Costa Rica (Family: Delphinidae). REDS, 6(1), 8. Retrieved from https://revistas.ulatina.ac.cr/index.php/ecologia/article/view/623