P. 10
No. 41, Vol 2, 05-14 2024 (22) I ISSN:2215-5740
The sample size is comparable to that employed
in other studies (Cabanillas & Quea, 2014; Zea,
2020; Delgadillo & Mattos, 2017; Concha, 2014),
while larger samples were used in other works
(Muinelo et al., 2017; Gungor et al., 2017; Çaglayan
et al., 2014; Von Arx et al., 2013).
By using a larger sample, it is possible to obtain
more knowledge of the results in different
populations; however, this research contributes
to the literature by evaluating the position
of the mentonian foramen through the use
of CBCT is reliable in the evaluation of bone
and dentoalveolar structures, which will be of
much help in diagnosis in different areas of
Dentistry because it offers greater accuracy,
no distortions, lower radiation dose, and no
overlapping of images (Do Nascimento et al.,
2016; Buitrago et al., 2020; Montoya, 2011).
When evaluating the distance from the inferior
border of the AM to the mandibular base on
each side, similar results to those obtained by
Cabanillas and Quea (2014) were found: 13.6 ±
2.0 mm on the right side and 13.9 ± 1.80 mm on
the left side.
They indicated that there were no signicant
differences between the sides. Von Arx et
al. (2013) reported 13.7 mm on the right side
and 13.5 mm on the left side. However, lower
measurements were found in other studies
(Nimigean et al., 2022; Gungor et al., 2017;
Concha, 2014).
Muinelo et al. (2017) conducted their study
according to dental status, dividing patients into
three subgroups: dentate, partially edentulous,
and edentulous. They found that in dentate
patients, the distance from the MA to the lower
border of the mandible was 13.52 ± 1.59 mm.
They determined that the position of the
mentonian foramen did not differ according to
the side. On the other hand, a small discrepancy
was found with the study by Mashyakhy et al.
(2021), who reported a total distance of 14.03 ±
1.58 mm. This difference was attributed to the
point of measurement, as they started from
the center of the MA, whereas in this study,
measurements started from the inferior margin
of the MA.
In this study, as in others, it was found that
the highest distances according to sex were
observed in men compared to women on both
sides. Generally, when differences in distances
between the sexes were identied, these values
were higher in males.
Previous studies have consistently shown the
presence of sexual dimorphism, with higher
values for males (Zea, 2020; Gungor et al., 2017;
Çaglayan et al., 2014; Villavicencio, 2018; Dos
Santos et al., 2018; Kalender et al., 2012; Pelé et
al., 2021; Cavalcante et al., 2023; Abu-Ta’a et al.,
Sex steroid hormones affect bone size, shape,
and density, with estrogen deciency increasing
bone turnover in women. Hormonal changes
during female development, such as puberty,
pregnancy, and menopause, can impact
the periodontium signicantly (Garcia, 2002).
Conversely, men exhibit a greater continuity
of bone formation (Çaglayan et al., 2014) and
typically have a wider, squarer jaw with a more
prominent chin (Concha, 2014).
According to the age group, individuals aged
40 to 50 years old presented lower values on
the left side for both sexes, a result similar to the
study conducted by Zea (2020), who obtained
that this age group has the smallest distances