P. 76
No. 39, Vol 2, 76-92 2023 I ISSN:2215-5740
Stomatological management of anticoagulated
patients undergoing oral surgery: a narrative
review. [English translation-Original in Spanish]
Cancino, J., Fonseca, D., Parada, F., (2023) Stomatological management of anticoagulated patients undergoing oral surgery: a narrative review. Odontología Vital No. 39, Vol 2, 76-92, https://doi.
Javiera Cancino Diego Fonseca , Fernando Parada
1 Dental surgeon. Dentistry Faculty. Finis Terrae University, Santiago, Chile. Residency: Santiago, Chile.
2 Resident of Maxillofacial Surgery. Dentistry Faculty. Andes University, Santiago, Chile.
3 Resident of Maxillofacial Surgery. Dentistry Faculty. Andrés Bello University, Santiago, Chile.
Submitted 2023-02-09
Revised 2023-03-04
Accepted 2023-03-25
Patients undertaking oral anticoagulant treatment may experience alterations in different stages of hemostasis, which lead to
medical/surgical implications and considerations during their care. Currently, there is no consensus regarding the dental
management of these patients, as they go through surgical procedures.
This leads to clinical protocols that follow numerous approaches, such as reducing the pharmacological intake of the
anticoagulant, replacing it with heparin, and maintaining the controlled treatment.
To establish the stomatological management of the patient undergoing oral anticoagulant treatment through an in-depth
review of the literature.
Materials and Method:
A manual bibliographic review search of articles indexed to the PUBMED and EBSCO databases corresponding to the words
“oral surgery”, “oral bleeding”, “anticoagulants” and “dental management” was performed.
Regarding the inclusion criteria: bibliographic reviews, observational studies, clinical trials, guidelines, systematic reviews, and
meta-analyses published between November 2005 and 2022, in English or Spanish, were considered.
There are multiple protocols for the care of the anticoagulated patient who will undergo a minor oral surgery procedure. It is
important to reflect on the anticoagulant used, the reason for it, its supervision, the surgical procedure that will be undertaken
by the patient, and both intraoperative and postoperative hemostatic measures to be implemented.
After analyzing the above, it is noted that reducing the intake of the drug to perform the surgical procedure may be harmful to
the patient and to the clinician, therefore it is suggested to maintain the antithrombotic treatment and carry out a correct
medical/surgical management.
Oral surgery, anticoagulants, dental care, oral hemorrhage.
No. 39, Vol 2, 76-92 2023 I ISSN:2215-5740
In the face of certain cardiovascular pathologies,
the risk of suffering a thromboembolic event
The use of oral anticoagulant therapy in primary
and secondary prevention has been shown to
reduce the risk of cardiovascular accidents and
morbidity in this type of patient (Gazit et al., 2016).
Atrial fibrillation is the most frequent indication for
receiving this treatment, with at least 3 to 6 million
people affected by this pathology in the United
States, with a projection of these values up to 6 to
16 million individuals in 2050.
In Europe, the prevalence of atrial fibrillation in
2010 was 9 million individuals older than 55 years,
and a projection of 14 million people affected in
2060 was estimated (Di Carlo et al., 2012; Kornej et
al., 2020).
Regarding the patients affected with this disease,
78% are under treatment with oral anticoagulants,
and the number is growing due to the
incorporation of new, safer drugs with a broader
therapeutic range (Grymonprez et al., 2022).
Although most dental treatments are low risk,
patients with impaired coagulation require special
care to assess the risk of bleeding they present
and thus prevent and/or manage any type of
unfortunate event (Costa-Tort et al., 2021). Given
this exponential growth in the use of chronic oral
anticoagulants, this work aims to establish the
stomatological management of patients
undergoing oral anticoagulant treatment through
an in-depth review of the literature.
Hemostasis is a complex process that involves the
action of platelets, coagulation factors (Table 1),
and endothelium at the site of vascular injury.
It culminates in the blood clot formation, which
fulfills the function of preventing or limiting
bleeding. Its stages correspond to: i) primary
hemostasis, ii) secondary hemostasis, and iii)
fibrinolysis (Guerrero & López, 2015).
Primary hemostasis begins almost immediately
when the vascular lesion occurs. In this process,
platelets and the vascular wall mainly interact to
limit and stop vascular extravasation in the
capillaries, arterioles, and venules. In this stage, as a
first instance, a vascular vasoconstriction occurs
followed by the recruitment and activation of
platelets, which adhere to the injured vessel,
forming the platelet plug. This process is primarily
mediated by the prostaglandins thromboxane A2
and prostacyclin and von Willebran factor (Gale,
Secondary hemostasis, mainly coagulation factors
interact with each other, where exposure of tissue
factor at the damaged site binds and activates
factor Vll, starting a cascade of reactions that
culminates in the generation of thrombin.
This anchors circulating fibrinogen in soluble
fibrin, creating a fibrin mesh, which will reinforce
the platelet plug (Hatton et al., 2013).
Finally, in fibrinolysis, the fibrin networks present in
the fibrin clot are degraded by inhibiting the
formation of plasmin, inhibiting tissue plasminogen
activator through the release of plasminogen
activator inhibitor by endothelial
No. 39, Vol 2, 76-92 2023 I ISSN:2215-5740
P. 78
Identification of records through databases
IdentificationEligibility and criteriaIncluding
Documents obtained from:
PubMed (n =180) EBSCO (n
= 138)
Selected papers for title
and abstract reading (n
= 231)
Selected documents
for complete reading
(n = 100)
Documents included in
the review (n = 40)
Documents removed before review:
Duplicates (n = 87)
Documents removed by
Title and abstract (n =
Excluded documents Full
text not available (n = 7)
Unrelated (n = 43)
Language (n = 10)
Figure 1 Flowchart for the selection of articles included in this review.
Coagulation cascade
The classic model of coagulation was described
by Davie and Ratnoff in 1964 and separates the
cellular and humoral phases, giving prominence
to the series of enzymatic reactions that occur
within secondary hemostasis (Kumar et al..., 2015),
which begin through the intrinsic pathway
that begins after vascular damage, with the
exposure of negatively charged surfaces that
interact with Hageman factors (FXII), antecedent
plasma thromboplastin (FXI), prekallikrein (PK) and
high molecular weight kinogens (QAPM) and the
extrinsic pathway which begins with the formation
of the Extrinsic Tenase complex made
cells. Plasmin degrades the fibrin polymer into
small fragments, which are eliminated by
macrophages (LaPelusa & Dave, 2022).
Materials and method
A manual bibliographic review search of articles
indexed to the PUBMED and EBSCO databases
corresponding to the words “buccal surgery”, “oral
hemorrhage”, “anticoagulants” and “dental care”
was performed.
Regarding the inclusion criteria, bibliographic
reviews, observational studies, clinical trials,
guidelines, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses
published between November 2005 and 2022, in
English or Spanish, were considered.
From this search strategy, a total of 322 articles
were obtained, of which 274 were excluded
(duplicates, text not available, etc.). It resulted in a
total of 44 articles for this literature review (Figure
1). The information collected was thoroughly
reviewed in its entirety.
No. 39, Vol 2, 76-92 2023 I ISSN:2215-5740
up of tissue factor (TF), circulating factor VIIa,
Ca++ ions and phospholipids (Smith et al., 2015).
These two pathways converge in fibrin activation,
culminating in the deposition of an insoluble clot
(Figure 2).
The formation of this clot involves enzymes
(activated coagulation factor), a substrate (an
inactive form of pro-enzymatic coagulation
factor), and a cofactor (Onishi et al., 2016).
0,4-0,6 45-80 In its activated form it is the intrinsic FIX
1,5-4.5 50-70 Intrinsic pathway initiator
1,5-4,5 36 Precursor of kallikrein
8-9 144-156
Cofactors in the activation of FXI and FXII
10-12 60-72 Inactive precursor of thrombin
0,05-0,06 4-6 Together with Tissue Factor initiates the
extrinsic pathway.
0,4-0,5 18-25 Inactive precursor of thrombin
0,7-1,2 24-40
Together with tissue factor initiates the
extrinsic pathway.
0,39-0,59 8-14 In its active form, it is the enzyme of the
intrinsic tenase complex.
2,5 40-60 PCa cofactor
0,22 60 Increases the inhibition of FXa by Protein Z
0,4-1,4 12-36 Prothrombinase complex cofactor
0,5-1 8-12 Intrinsic tenase complex cofactor
0 Thrombin cofactor
0 Initiates extrinsic pathway by binding to
200-400 90 Precursor of fibrin
P. 80
No. 39, Vol 2, 76-92 2023 I ISSN:2215-5740
XIII 1-2 168-288
Transaminase that crosslinks fibrin
Serpin inhibits thrombin and factors VIIa,
IXa, Xa, Xia, XIIa and kallikrein.
II 6,1-8,2 60 Thrombin-inhibiting serpin
INHIBITOR 0,5 23,4
Serpin inhibits PCa, thrombin, kallikrein, FXIa,
FXIIa and the C1 component.
0,1-0,16 FXa and FXIa-inhibiting serpin
0,006 1-2
Kunitz-type inhibitor of TF/FVIIa/FXa and
PS/FXa complexes.
XII Trauma
Tissue factor
Prothrombin (III)
Fibrinogen (II)
Thrombin (IIa)
Fibrin (Ia)
Intrínsec pathway Extrínsec pathway
Common pathway
Figure 2.
Coagulation cascade (adapted from Kumar et al, 2015).
Table 1.
Biochemical characteristics and function of coagulation factors (Adapted from Guerrero et ál., 2015)
No. 39, Vol 2, 76-92 2023 I ISSN:2215-5740
This process is calcium-dependent, which binds to
a y-carboxylated glutamic acid residue present in
factors II, VI, IX, and X. This reaction is dependent on
Vitamin K, where its reduced form is essential to
activate the aforementioned factors. Thus, Vitamin
K is an important pharmacological target for
anticoagulant drugs, since deficiency of this
cofactor prevents blood coagulation (Ufer, 2005).
Cellular model of coagulation
Described by Hoffman and Monroe in 2001, it
explains the in vivo behavior of coagulation and
replaces the cascade hypothesis, giving
prominence to the cells that participate in this
process, which are capable of directing
hemostasis, and to the importance that factor VII
activity acquires. It consists of three phases, called
the initiation, amplification, and propagation phase
(Hatton et al., 2013; Kumar et al., 2015). This model
will not be delved into, since it is not the objective of
this work.
Coagulation tests
The control of the anticoagulated patient is
carried out through various hematological tests,
which can be classified into quantitative and
qualitative, within the quantitative, we find:
-Platelet count: Usually correlates with
bleeding tendency. The normal count is
150-400,000 platelets/mm3 (Gomez et al.,
-Prothrombin time (PT), Evaluates the
function of proteins of the extrinsic pathway
(Factor VII, X, V II, and fibrinogen). The time it
takes for the fibrin plug to form is measured.
Normal values: 10-13 seconds (depending
on the type of prothrombin used and the
clot detection method) (Winter et al., 2017).
-Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
(aPTT) Measures the function of intrinsic
pathway proteins (Factor XII, XI, IX, VIII, X, V, II,
and Fibrinogen). The time it takes for the
fibrin plug to form is recorded. Its normal
value is 25-35 seconds (Little et al., 2017).
-Thrombin time (TT): The time it takes to
coagulate a plasma when thrombin is
added. It can be found altered in the
presence of heparin and inhibitors of
thrombin formation. Its normal value is 12 to
19 seconds (Winter et al., 2017).
-“International normalized ratio (INR). It
represents the standardization of the PT. A
value of 1 indicates a coagulation level
equivalent to a patient without VKA
treatment. Values higher than this translate
as a longer time in the formation of the
blood clot and consequently more
bleeding. The objective value of the INR will
depend on the indication for which the drug
was prescribed and can range between
2.5-3.5. VKA therapy must be adjusted by
the attending physician to achieve the
desired INR (Woolcombe et al., 2022).
-Anti-factor Xa assay. It can be done by
fluorescence or chromogenic. It measures
the activity of activated coagulation factor
X. Normal values correspond to 0.5-1.2UI/ml
(Babin et al., 2017).
Within the qualitative studies, we found
-Bleeding time: Used to assess platelet
functionality, the most widely used is the
Ivy technique, whose normal value is 8 to
10 minutes (González Guerrero & Montoro
Ronsano, 2015).
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No. 39, Vol 2, 76-92 2023 I ISSN:2215-5740
- Thromboelastogram: Evaluates the dynamics
of clot elasticity, used to assess coagulation
during surgery (González Guerrero & Montoro
Ronsano, 2015).
Types of Oral Anticoagulants
Three types of oral anticoagulants are currently
described: vitamin K-dependent (VKA), direct-acting
anticoagulants (DOAC), and heparins.
1. Vitamin K (VKA) or coumarin antagonists
Among these types of drugs are Warfarin,
Acenocoumarol, and Fenprocoumaron, all
derivatives of hydroxycoumarin, with their
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
differences (Table 2).
0,08-0,13 >99% 15-8 First order
0,22-0,52 >98% 0.03-0.3 Two-phase
0,11-0,14 >99% 1,5-15 First order
They inhibit the carboxylation of vitamin
K-dependent coagulation factors: Factor II
(prothrombin), VII, IX, and X, in addition to inhibiting
protein C and S.
They are indicated for the prevention and
treatment of thrombosis and other types of
cardiovascular conditions (atrial fibrillation, venous
thromboembolism, and prosthetic heart valve)
(Conway et al., 2017).
VKA levels are monitored by the INR. Which must
be kept within the therapeutic range determined
by the treating physician (Exposito, 2010). A
subtherapeutic effect offers little protection
against thromboembolic events, and an INR (>4)
increases the risk of bleeding. The variability in the
response between different individuals
Warfarin is highly bound to plasma proteins, so
other substances or drugs that compete for the
binding site displace Warfarin, enhancing the
therapeutic effect of VKAs (Crader et al., 2022).
and its wide range of interactions with other drugs
and foods require frequent laboratory monitoring
(Conway et al., 2017).
The inhibition of the expression/activity of the
CYP450 enzymes (CYP2C9 for the S-enantiomer and
CYP1A2, CYP2C19, CYP3A4 for the R-enantiomer of
Warfarin), compromised in its metabolism also
affect the effect of VKAs, therefore, plasma
concentrations of VKAs can be altered when
consumed together with drugs that modify the
expression or availability of CYP450. VKAs can be
altered when consumed
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic differences between warfarin, acenocoumarol, and
fenprocoumaron (adapted from (Ufer, 2005).
Table 2.
No. 39, Vol 2, 76-92 2023 I ISSN:2215-5740
together with drugs that modify the expression or
availability of CYP450, such as some antimicrobial,
antihypertensive, and anti-inflammatory drugs,
among others (Crader et al., 2022; Little et al., 2017)
(Table 2) (Table 2).
Among the adverse effects that patients under
treatment with VKA may present, we find
hemorrhagic complications, teratogenic effects
causing chondrodysplasia and nasal hypoplasia,
skin necrosis, allergic reactions, liver damage,
nephropathy, and alopecia (Patel et al., 2022)...
Drug group Increased AVK effect Decreased AVK effect
Amoxicillin with Clavulanic acid,
Azithromycin, Clarithromycin,
Levofloxacin, Ritonavir,
Tetracycline, Ciprofloxacin,
Erythromycin, Fluconazole,
Isoniazid, Miconazole
Amiodarone, Diltiazem,
Riseofulvin, Nafcillin, Ribavirin,
Rifampin, Dicloxacillin, Ritonavir
Anti-inflammatories and
Fenofibrate, Clofibrate,
Propafenone, Propranolol,
Sulfinpyrazone, Aspirin
Cholestyramine, Bosentan,
Mesalazine, Azathioprine
Central nervous system
Phenylbutazone, Interferon,
Aspirin, Paracetamol, Tramadol
Alcohol (in case of coexisting
liver disease), Citalopram,
Entacapone, Sertraline,
Disulfiram, Chloral hydrate,
Fluvoxamine, Phenytoin,
Tricyclic antidepressants
(Amitriptyline, Clomipramine),
Barbiturates, Carbamazepine,
Other drugs
Anabolic steroids, Zileuton,
Zafirlukast, Fluorouracil,
gemcitabine, Levamisole
with Fluorouracil, Paclitaxel,
Tamoxifen, Tolterodine,
Thiamazole, L-Tyroxine,
L-Tyroxine, Tamoxifen,
Tamoxifen, Tamoxifen with
Mercaptopurine, Raloxifene,
Multivitamin supplements,
flu vaccination, chelating
Table 3.
Drug interactions with vitamin K antagonists. *VKA: vitamin K antagonist.
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No. 39, Vol 2, 76-92 2023 I ISSN:2215-5740
2. Direct-acting anticoagulants (DOAC)
These types of blood thinners have gained
popularity in recent years. DOACs are classified as
direct inhibitors of thrombin (activated factor II)
(Dabigatran) or direct inhibitors of activated
factor X (Rivaroxaban, Apixaban and Edoxaban).
They are rapidly active drugs whose main
indications are the prevention of acute myocardial
infarction in non-valvular atrial fibrillation,
thrombrophylaxis in knee or hip replacement
surgery, and the treatment/ prevention of venous
thromboembolism (Adcock & Gosselin, 2015;
Conway et al., 2017).
Unlike VKAs, they do not require periodic
monitoring due to their pharmacokinetic and
pharmacodynamic predictability.
This is advantageous for patient convenience and
satisfaction. Despite this, there are various
situations in which the clinician would want to
address the precise effect of the anticoagulant to
define treatment options, such as an emergency
(e.g., trauma, hemorrhage, kidney or liver failure,
among others) (Conway et al., 2017). Tests such as
aPTT, PT, and TT have low sensitivity and specificity
for this type of drug and lack an optimal dose
response for monitoring DOACs.
For patients taking this type of anticoagulant, the
results of the mentioned tests must be interpreted
qualitatively to confirm the anticoagulant effect
(Blann & Lip, 2014). Regarding the INR, its use cannot
be recommended to monitor the use of DOACs,
since the international sensitivity index was created
as a thromboplastin correction factor specifically
for VKAs (Winter et al., 2017).
The pharmacokinetics of Factor Xa inhibitors may
be affected by inducers/inhibitors of CYP3A4
and/or p-glycoprotein 1. Regarding Dabigatran,
inhibitors/inducers of p-glycoprotein 1 should not
be indicated, as it is a specific substrate of this
molecule (Di Minno et al., 2017).
They report fewer adverse reactions than VKAs
(including intracerebral hemorrhage).
Gastrointestinal disturbances have been reported
with the use of Dabigatran, so if possible it should be
replaced by another type of DOAC.
3. Heparins
Heparins are highly sulfated polysaccharides used
as major anticoagulants. Indicated primarily as a
component in extracorporeal therapy to maintain
kidney blood flow during dialysis and
cardiopulmonary oxygenation (“Heparin,” 2006).
Second, it has been used to prevent/treat deep
vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and
ischemic complications of unstable angina,
among others. It is administered intravenously or
subcutaneously. Its activity is due to the ability to
inhibit multiple factors in the coagulation cascade.
It binds to antithrombin as a serum protease
inhibitor and targets coagulation factors such as
Xa and IIa.
To optimize its anticoagulant activity and minimize
the risk of bleeding, Heparin variants have been
synthesized by fractionation (Beurskens et al., 2020).
The use of low molecular weight Heparin offers
different advantages over unfractionated
No. 39, Vol 2, 76-92 2023 I ISSN:2215-5740
Heparin, such as greater bioavailability allowing
more predictable dosing and lower prevalence of
adverse effects. Thus, low molecular weight heparin
has become the treatment of choice in clinical
situations such as venous thromboembolism,
major surgery, and acute coronary syndrome.
Unfractionated Heparin remains indicated in the
prevention of coagulation with extracorporeal
devices and patients with renal failure (Harenberg,
2011a, 2011b; Walenga et al., 2011).
The chromogenic anti-factor Xa assay is
considered the gold standard to investigate the
activity of low molecular weight heparins.
Regarding aPTT, it has been reported that the
prolongation of time in this assay depends on the
reagent used.
Even so, this test is not useful in its monitoring,
since this type of Heparin owes its effect mainly to
factor Xa inhibition, while aPTT prolongation is
dependent on thrombin activity (Babin et al., 2017;
Despas et al., 2016).
Adverse effects. It is reported that due to its
anticoagulant nature, bleeding or hemorrhages
are to be expected. Bleeding sites include the
adrenal gland, ovaries, and retroperitoneal area.
This complication can occur virtually anywhere
(Despas et al., 2016).
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia is a serious
antibody-associated reaction that results in
abnormal and irreversible platelet aggregation,
leading to life-threatening thromboembolic events
(Harenberg, 2011b).
It is said that the long use of heparin can cause
Osteoporosis and, consequently, increase the risk of
fracture due to the inhibition of
osteoblastic differentiation and its function (
“Heparin”, 2006).
Bridging/Overlap Therapy
Bridging consists of substituting a long-acting
anticoagulant (usually warfarin) with a
short-acting one (usually low molecular weight
heparin) to limit the time of sub-therapeutic
anticoagulation levels and minimize
thromboembolic risk. Although there is evidence
that its use is limited, it continues to be used on a
case-by-case basis (Nazar J. et al., 2018; Polania
Gutièrrez & Rocuts, 2022).
The complications presented by patients under
TACO treatment can be classified as hemorrhagic,
which can be minor hemorrhage, major
hemorrhage, and hemorrhage that compromises
life; and non-hemorrhagic, such as skin necrosis,
peripheral emboli, alopecia, and osteoporosis
(Blann & Lip, 2014).
Dental management
Anamnesis. The patient’s clinical record must be
completed carefully, informing the reason why the
anticoagulant was prescribed, and past events of
prolonged bleeding both in the dental office and
in another context. It is important to verify all the
necessary information before performing any
invasive procedure so that the clinician has
support (Iwabuchi et al., 2014).
Assessment of bleeding risk. Dental interventions
can be divided into those in which bleeding is
unlikely and others in which it is probable (Table
3). Based on this assessment, it is possible to
determine which procedures can or cannot be
performed in the dental office without major
P. 86
No. 39, Vol 2, 76-92 2023 I ISSN:2215-5740
Unlikely bleeding Probable bleeding
Low risk of bleeding High risk of bleeding
Infiltration of local anesthesia,
intra-ligamentary or lower
mental block.
Local truncal anesthesia
Basic periodontal examination
Removal of supragingival
plaque, calculus, and stains.
Direct restorations with
supragingival margins
Adjustment of orthodontic
Simple extractions (1-3 teeth
restricting the size of the
Incision and drainage
Deep periodontal probing
Root surface debridement
Direct or indirect restorations
with subgingival margins.
Complex extractions or
adjunctive extractions cause a
larger caliber wound
More than 3 extractions at the
same time
Flaps: o Elective extractions o
Periodontal surgery o
Pre-prosthetic surgery o
Periradicular surgery o
Coronary lengthening o Dental
implant surgery
Gingival recontouring
Assessment of the risk of bleeding in dental
procedures according to the “Scottish Dental
Clinical Effectiveness Programme”.
In patients with VKA, INR should be requested to
determine whether or not it is safe to perform the
corresponding intervention. This must be
requested at least 24 hours before the procedure,
but in patients with a stable INR, it is possible to
accept an INR of no more than 72 hours
(Woolcombe et al., 2022).
Continuing or stopping anticoagulant therapy in
this type of patient is a decision of the treating
physician and not of the dentist. In general, the
literature reports that with INR values up to 4,
invasive treatments can be performed (always
having at hand all possible bleeding control
If the INR value does not allow the procedure to be
performed, trephination may be an option while
the patient’s examinations are regularized, since it
is considered a procedure where bleeding is
unlikely to occur (Calcia et al., 2021; Winter et al.,
2017). The flow of care in these patients is
described in Figure 2.
Table 4.
Assessment of bleeding risk in dental procedures
No. 39, Vol 2, 76-92 2023 I ISSN:2215-5740
Is there systemic
Need for antibiotic
Is it an emergency situation?
Follow AHA
lnitiate definitive
lnitiate definitive treatment
Use of local hemostatic
Atraumatic technique
Medical pain management
Need for antibiotic
Defer definitive
Defer definitive treatment
Assess the need for a
consultation with the attending
medie *
Trepanation ** Medical
pain management
- Rapidly progressive cellulitis
- Dyspnoea
- Dysphagia
- Facial anatomical spaces
- Fever (>38ºC)
- Severe systemic involvement
- lnmunosupression
INR reading of the day
2-3.5 >3.5
2-3.5 >3.5
1NR reading of the day
• In case of persistently high INR and unable to perform overlap.
Perform exodontiain a hospital setting
•• lf trepanation is the definitive treatment, no need to request
a consultations
Assess the need for a
with the attending
medic* Trepanation **
Medical pain
Use of local hemostatic
Atraumatic technique
Medical pain
Figure 3.
Flowchart of dental care in patients undergoing treatment with VKA.
For those patients taking DOAC, it is not necessary
to suspend the medication, and the procedure
can be carried out with the relevant hemostatic
measures (Caliskan et al., 2017).
In the case of patients with injectable
anticoagulants such as low molecular weight
heparin, it should be treated without interrupting
the medication. It is assumed that the risk of
bleeding in these patients is dose-dependent. In
patients using this drug with a prophylactic dose,
the risk is lower than if they were taking a VKA
(Andras et al., 2017).
Antibiotic prophylaxis. The use of preoperative
antibiotics has been described as a predictor
of postoperative bleeding, even though the
mechanism of action is not well described.
Similarly, the use of postoperative antibiotics has
been reported as a risk factor for intraoral
A single antibiotic dose does not significantly
affect the PT-INR of the anticoagulated patient, but
its administration should be monitored in patients
with an INR 3 for an increase in the therapeutic
range (Huang et al., 2022; Yamada et al., 2020).
Antibiotic prophylaxis, if necessary, should follow
the recommendations of the American Heart
Association (Wilson et al., 2021).
P. 88
No. 39, Vol 2, 76-92 2023 I ISSN:2215-5740
Anesthesia Adrenaline causes local constriction of
blood vessels at the surgical site from 20 minutes
to 2 hours. The occurrence of postoperative
bleeding is affected by adrenaline at the time of
bleeding control in the dental chair and 2-3 hours
after the procedure (Inokoshi et al., 2021). Inferior
nerve block has been reported to be a risk factor
for postoperative bleeding (Huang et al., 2022). In
general, it is safe to use local anesthetics in
anticoagulated patients, as this procedure is
classified as having a low risk of bleeding (Table
Surgical procedure. An atraumatic surgical
technique should be prioritized, avoiding as much
as possible extending the wound (performing only
one extraction or limiting root debridement to three
teeth), and dividing the visits in which treatment is
performed (Woolcombe et al., 2022). In general, the
evidence reports that immediate and postoperative
bleeding in simple extractions with an INR less than
3.0 is low (2%-3%) (Bajkin et al., 2014).
hemostasis. The use and selection of local
hemostasis measures will depend largely on the
degree of complexity of the intervention to be
Measures reported in the literature include the
use of sutures, alveolar fillers, and antifibrinolytic
agents to control bleeding (Iwabuchi et al., 2014).
Sutures and alveolar fillings such as oxidized
cellulose or gelite have been widely recognized as
post-extraction hemostatic measures. Even so,
not all guidelines necessarily recommend the use
of sutures over these alveolar fillers because they
can cause more damage to the perialveolar
tissue (Iwabuchi et al., 2014).
Among the antifibrinolytics described in
randomized clinical trials are tranexamic acid
(ATX) in tablets, rinse and intravenous, and
aminocaproic acid epsilon AACE) in tablets or
intravenous. These agents bind irreversibly to
plasminogen and block its interaction with fibrin.
The most studied to date is local TXA, whose
efficacy is limited to preventing oral bleeding in
anticoagulated patients (Engelen et al., 2018). Its
availability as a rinse is not available in all
countries, so injectable solutions are diluted for
intraoral use (de Vasconcellos et al., 2017).
Regarding AACE, it is described as having
antifibrinolytic potential in oral surgery, but to date,
there are no randomized clinical trials that
compare its effect with ATX (da Silva et al., 2018).
The literature reports that DOACs have a lower
incidence of postoperative bleeding than VKAs
(Manfredini et al., 2021).
Pain management. Anticoagulants can interact with
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The
patient should be recommended to take
Acetaminophen (if it is not contraindicated) over
drugs such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, or
Naproxen, since the latter increases the risk of
bleeding. If the use of an NSAID is considered, it
should be recommended for a minimum time and
with gastric protection (Kent et al., 2018).
Control. The patient should be told that in the
event of noticing a bleeding event between 24
hours and 7 days after the intervention, they
should contact the center where the intervention
was performed by telephone or go to the center in
question or another facility that can control the
bleeding (Inokoshi et al., 2021; Rocha et al., 2019).
No. 39, Vol 2, 76-92 2023 I ISSN:2215-5740
Postoperative bleeding event. Defined as marked
bleeding after mechanical compression with
gauze for 30 minutes. These types of events should
be monitored from the day of the procedure until
one week after the intervention.
There are multiple protocols for the care of the
anticoagulated patient who will undergo a minor
oral surgery procedure. It is important to consider
the anticoagulant used, the reason,
its control, the procedure to be performed on the
patient, and both intraoperative and postoperative
hemostatic measures to be performed. After
analyzing the above, it is noted that reducing the
intake of the drug to perform the procedure can be
more harmful to the patient and to the clinician,
therefore it is suggested to maintain
antithrombotic treatment and perform correct
medical/surgical management.
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