Fernández, E., Rivero, M.G., Díaz-Yokens, M., Padilla, P. (2021) Traditional versus simplified impression methods for
complete dentures: critical appraisal of evidence. Odontología Vital 34: 57-64.
Traditional versus simplified
impression methods for complete dentures:
critical appraisal of evidence
Traditional versus simplified
impression methods for complete dentures:
critical appraisal of evidence
Método tradicional versus simplificado en
impresiones para prótesis total removible:
evaluación crítica de la evidencia
Método tradicional versus simplificado en
impresiones para prótesis total removible:
evaluación crítica de la evidencia
Enrique Fernández, Universidad San Sebastián and Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile,
Marta G. Rivero, Clínica privada, Santiago, Chile, martagrivero.uss@gmail.com
Marco Díaz-Yokens, Universidad San Sebastián, Santiago, Chile, marco.diazyokens@ gmail.com
Paula Padilla, Universidad San Sebastián, Santiago, Chile, paula.andrea.padilla.a@gmail.com
Introducción: Pese a los avances de la odontología, el fenómeno del envejecimiento de la población ha generado
que la cantidad de personas desdentadas totales aún represente una cifra significativa. Los artificios protésicos
implanto-asistidos constituyen, en la mayoría de los casos, la mejor alternativa rehabilitadora. Sin embargo,
la variable económica surge como el principal impedimento para que los pacientes accedan a este recurso, y
por este motivo, mantienen la prótesis total removible como una opción terapéutica. Para su confección, el
método tradicional indica la necesidad de tomar dos impresiones: una preliminar y una definitiva o funcional.
El método simplificado, confecciona la prótesis a partir de la primera impresión, obtenida con cubeta de stock.
Objetivo: Revisar evidencia científica que compara ambos métodos en cuanto a las variables de: satisfacción del
paciente, calidad clínica, rendimiento y capacidad masticatoria. Resultados: No se verifican ventajas a favor del
método tradicional en relación a las variables estudiadas. Conclusiones: En concordancia con la información
recabada, los resultados clínicos obtenidos mediante el método tradicional de toma de impresiones para
prótesis totales no son significativamente superiores a los del método simplificado en relación a calidad clínica,
satisfacción del paciente, rendimiento y capacidad masticatoria.
Prótesis removible; Prótesis total; Técnica de impresión dental; Satisfacción del paciente;
Práctica basada en la evidencia.
Introduction: Inspite of the great advances in dentistry, aging populations imply that there are still significant
numbers of edentulous people worldwide. In most cases, implant-assisted prosthetic rehabilitation is the best
solution. However, economic issues constrain access to this therapeutic approach, meaning that conventional
removable prosthetics continue to be the most frequent treatment. In the removable denture making process, the
so-called traditional method has been widely taught and used. It involves taking two impressions: a preliminary
one followed by a definitive one (or functional). The simplified method constructs the prosthesis directly from
the first impression obtained with a stock tray, without the need of a second impression. Purpose: To review the
scientific evidence comparing both methods in terms of patient satisfaction, clinical quality, and masticatory
performance and capacity. Results: No advantages have been found in favor of the traditional method regarding
the four variables selected. Conclusions: According to the available information, the traditional method of
taking impressions for complete removable dental prostheses does not provide significantly superior clinical
results when compared to those obtained using the simplified method in terms of clinical quality, patient
satisfaction, performance and masticatory capacity.
Revista Odontología Vital Enero - Junio 2021. Año 19. Volumen 1, No. 34
Over the recent decades, there has
been an ongoing worldwide trend
towards increased life expectancy
both at birth and as a percentage
increase in the older adult popu
lation (Balachandran et al., 2020).
Internationally, there are reports
that in some Balkan countries
complete edentulism can be as
high as 78% of the adult population
(Petersen et al., 2005). In Chile, the
average tooth loss in 65-74 year-
old population currently stands at
15.8 teeth per person; with 69.8%
of them being partially edentulous
and 29.1% being completely eden-
tulous (Chilean Ministry of Health
(MINSAL), 2017).
Because financial constraints and
systemic conditions faced by some
patients contraindicate the use of
dental implants (Hwang & Wang,
2006), complete removable dental
prostheses continue to be a suit
able therapeutic alternative (Carls-
son, 2010). A critical step in the
construction of these devices is
the impression of the edentulous
ridges. Several techniques (Rao et
al., 2010) have been proposed for
this purpose; though there are still
a number of controversies in this
regard (Petropoulos & Rashedi,
2003). Most dental schools and
pertinent texts (Petropoulos &
Rashedi, 2003) teach and describe
the so-called “traditional method”
(Rao et al., 2010), which advises
taking a definitive open-mouth im-
pression, using a custom tray made
from an initial impression. Addi-
tionally, relief in the stress bear-
ing areas should be fashioned, as
well as peripheral extensions and
border molding (dual impression
technique - Boucher technique or
its modifications - associated with
the selective pressure philosophy)
(Petropoulos & Rashedi, 2003; Rao
et al., 2010). The above-mentioned
method claims that this technique
provides better clinical results and
greater patient satisfaction as com
pared to a “simplified method” in
which a prosthesis is created from
the preliminary impression taken
with a stock tray (Heydecke et al.,
2008). Its proponents maintain
that there is evidence indicating
that this technique saves time and
cost without affecting clinical re-
sults or patient satisfaction (Dun-
can & Taylor, 2001; Jagger, 2006).
The “patient satisfaction” variable
is related to the his/her perception
of the treatment, and is measured
along a rating scale. The most wide-
ly used scales are the subjective
Oral Health-related Quality of Life
(OHRQol) (Kawai et al., 2010; Ye
Ye & Sun, 2017; Albuquerque et al.,
2020) and the Oral Health Impact
Profile (OHIP) (Ye Ye & Sun, 2017;
Albuquerque et al., 2020; Nuñez et
al., 2013) which is based on func-
tional limitations, physical pain,
psychological discomfort, physical
disability, psychological disability,
social disability, and handicap. An-
other relevant variable is the “clini-
cal quality”, understood as the den-
tist’s clinical criteria regarding the
prosthesis (Ye Ye & Sun, 2017) and
its fulfillment of retention, support
and stability requirements. Other
variables assessed using question-
naires with binary responses and
numerical rating scales (Schott et
al., 2010; Cunha et al., 2013) are
“masticatory performance,” de
fined as the objective measure-
ment of the degree of grinding to
which food can be subjected in an
established number of masticatory
cycles (Schott et al., 2010; Cunha et
al., 2013); and “masticatory capac-
ity,” a subjective parameter which
measures the individual’s assess-
ment of their mastication (Schott
et al., 2010).
The purpose of this review is to
explore the scientific evidence re-
ported in specialized publications
comparing the results of the “tra-
ditional” (functional impression)
and “simplified” methods used in
making complete removable den-
tal prostheses, considering patient
satisfaction, clinical quality, per-
formance, and masticatory capac-
ity, among others.
MEDLINE databases (MESH cri-
teria) were used to conduct two
searches. The first search was con-
ducted using the following combi-
nation of keywords and search op-
erators: “impression techniques”
OR “dental impression” AND “tra-
ditional method” AND “simplified
method” and their corresponding
terms in Spanish, i.e., “técnica de
impresión” OR “impresión dental”
AND “método tradicional” AND
“método simplificado”. The second
search employed the combined
terms “impression techniques” OR
“dental impression” AND “selec-
Removable denture; complete denture; dental impression technique;
patient satisfaction; evidence-based practice.
Recibido: 11 noviembre 2020
Revisado: 8 enero 2021
Aceptado para publicar: 26 enero 2021
tive pressure” AND “mucostatic,”
and the corresponding terms in
Four criteria were defined for in-
clusion in this study: (a) that the
studies had been published be-
tween 2000 and the first quarter
of 2020 (date on which the search
was conducted); (b) that they were
randomized clinical trials, criti
cal reviews, or systematic reviews
comparing both methods regard
ing the impression-taking process
for making a complete removable
dental prosthesis; (c) that both the
abstract and the article were avail
able online; and (d) that they were
written in English and/or Spanish.
The lead author, who conducted
the searches, selected the articles
based on a review of their abstracts
using a checklist of inclusion and
exclusion criteria. A summary
table of the selected articles was
generated in chronological order
(see Table 1). As neither a statisti-
cal analysis of the results of the
selected articles nor an exhaustive
search of those studies not avail-
able online was performed, this
paper is classified as a critical ap
praisal of evidence.
A total of 23 publications, including
critical or systematic reviews and
randomized clinical trials, met all
of the inclusion criteria (see Table
1). In 16 randomized clinical trials
(Duncan & Taylor, 2001; Kawai et
al., 2005; Jagger, 2006; Heydecke et
al., 2008; Kawai et al., 2010; Galaz
et al., 2012; Núñez, 2013; Cunha
et al., 2013; Omar et al., 2013; Jo et
al., 2015; Mengatto et al., 2017; Ce-
ruti et al., 2017; Kawai et al., 2018;
Lira-Oetiker et al., 2018; Tripathi et
al., 2019; Albuquerque et al., 2020),
involving more than 800 patients,
no significant differences were re-
ported in terms of masticatory per-
formance controlled at 3 months
Fernández, E., Rivero, M.G., Díaz-Yokens, M., Padilla, P. (2021) Traditional versus simplified impression methods for
complete dentures: critical appraisal of evidence. Odontología Vital 34: 57-64.
(Cunha et al., 2013; Albuquerque
et al., 2020), 6 months (Mengatto
et al., 2017; Albuquerque et al.,
2020), and 10 years post-treatment
(Kawai et al., 2018); masticatory ca-
pacity at 3 months (Heydecke et al.,
2008 ; Albuquerque et al., 2020) and
6 months (Mengatto et al., 2017;
Albuquerque et al., 2020); the same
was true for patient satisfaction as
sessed at 1 month (Núñez, 2013;
Omar et al., 2013; Jo et al., 2015), 3
months (Jagger, 2006; Kawai et al.,
2005; Omar et al., 2013; Albuquer
que et al., 2020), 6 months (Kawai
et al., 2005; Jagger, 2006; Kawai et
al., 2010; Núñez, 2013; Lira-Oe-
tiker et al., 2018; Albuquerque et
al., 2020) and 10 years (Kawai et
al., 2018); and also with respect
to clinical quality assessed at 3
months (Kawai et al., 2005; Omar
et al., 2013) and 6 months (Kawai
et al., 2005; Kawai et al., 2010; Lira-
Oetiker et al., 2018) respectively. By
comparison, the favorable results
for the “simplified method” in-
clude the following: fewer clinical
sessions required for manufactur-
ing the prosthetic device (Duncan
& Taylor, 2001; Ceruti at al., 2017),
without undermining retention
(Galaz et al., 2012); nor increasing
the number of subsequent check-
ups (Duncan & Taylor, 2001; Al-
buquerque et al., 2020); overall
satisfaction, stability and aesthetic
appearance at 3 months post-in-
stallation (Heydecke et al., 2008),
and less resorption of the man-
dibular residual ridge in individu-
als with decreased bone density,
as assessed by CT scan, one year
after installation of the prostheses
(Tripathi et al., 2019).
One article reported that for the 24
subjects evaluated the patient sat
isfaction rating was higher for the
traditional method (Jo et al, 2015).
The selected critical reviews (Carls
son, 2009; Carlsson, 2010; Carls-
son et al., 2013; Uram-Tuculescu
& Constantinescu, 2017; Jayara-
man et al., 2018) and systematic
reviews (Regis et al., 2016; Ye Ye &
Sun, 2017), reported that there is
no evidence to support that one
impression technique provides
better results than the other in the
long-term follow-ups (Carlsson,
2009; Jayaraman et al., 2018), nor
significant differences between
both methods in terms of: perfor-
mance and masticatory capac-
ity (Regis et al., 2016; Ye Ye & Sun,
2017); patient satisfaction (Carls-
son, 2009; Carlsson, 2010; Carlsson
et al., 2013; Regis et al., 2016; Ye Ye
& Sun, 2017; Uram-Tuculescu &
Constantinescu, 2017) and clinical
quality (Carlsson, 2009; Carlsson,
2010; Carlsson et al., 2013; Regis et
al., 2016; Ye Ye & Sun, 2017; Uram-
Tuculescu & Constantinescu,
The traditional impression method
for a complete removable dental
prosthesis involves taking two im
pressions: a preliminary one, gen-
erally with irreversible hydrocol-
loid and a stock impression tray,
and following casting creating a
model in which an individual tray
is made. This tray is then used to
record the three-dimensional con-
tours of the denture with a ther-
moplastic molding compound,
followed by a second impression,
usually with silicone elastomers
or zinquenolic paste (Petropoulos
& Rashedi, 2003; Rao et al., 2010;
Carlsson et al., 2013; Jo et al., 2015).
However, a so-called simplified
method has also been proposed
and used, advocating restoring pa-
tient functionality and aesthetics,
and also optimizing dental care.
It postulates the use of the pre-
liminary impression, without need
for a second one or assembly in a
semi-adjustable articulator (Dun
can & Taylor, 2001; Heydecke et
al., 2008; Carlsson, 2010; Carlsson
et al, 2013; Jo et al., 2015; Ye Ye &
Revista Odontología Vital Enero - Junio 2021. Año 19. Volumen 1, No. 34
Table 1: Articles Included
Author Year Type of Study Methodology Results
Duncan JP,
Taylor TD.
2001 Randomized
clinical trial.
Comparison in a randomly
divided group of 80 patients,
assessing the efficacy of both
impression methods.
Simplified method decreased
the number of clinical sessions,
without increasing the number
of subsequent adjustments.
Kawai Y,
H, Shariati B,
Klemetti E,
Blomfield JV,
Billete L.
2005 Randomized
clinical trial.
Comparison in a randomly
divided group of 122 patients,
assessing prosthesis quality,
patient satisfaction, comfort,
and function between the two
No significant differences were
obtained in terms of satisfac
tion and clinical quality.
Jagger R. 2006 Randomized
clinical trial.
Comparison in a randomly
divided group of 119 patients,
assessing patient satisfaction
between the two methods.
No significant differences
Heydecke G,
Vogeler M,
Wolkewitz M,
Turp JC, Strub
2008 Randomized
clinical trial.
Comparison in a group of 20
patients. Each patient received
2 sets of complete removable
dental prostheses, each one
constructed with a different
method, to assess chewing
Simplified method yields better
overall satisfaction, stability,
and aesthetic appearance.
Carlsson GE. 2009 Critical Review Databases used: PubMed, Med
Review of 9 randomized clinical
There is no evidence that one
technique or material produces
better long-term results than
No significant differences were
obtained in terms of satisfac
tion and clinical quality.
Carlsson GE. 2010 Critical Review Databases used: PubMed, Med
Line. 95 articles were included.
The text is based on an update
of the lecture given at the mee
ting of the International Asso-
ciation for Dental Research in
Barcelona on July 16, 2010.
No significant differences
were found between the two
methods in terms of prosthesis
quality, tissue response and
patient satisfaction.
Kawai Y,
Murakami H,
Takanashi Y,
Lund JP, Feine
2010 Randomized
clinical trial.
Comparison in a randomly
divided group of 122 patients,
assessing the efficiency (defi
ned as associated costs, patient
satisfaction and clinical quali
ty) of both methods in private
No significant differences were
obtained in terms of satisfac
tion and clinical quality.
Galaz S, Mi
randa F, Gar-
cía O, Acosta
H, Carrasco L.
2012 Randomized
clinical trial
Comparison in a group of 16
patients, assessing the retention
obtained in upper complete
removable dental prostheses
constructed with alginate and
zinquenolic paste impressions.
The impressions taken with
alginate had a statistically sig
nificant higher retention rate.
Omar R, Al-
Y, Akbar J,
Al-Awadhi S,
Behbehani Y,
2013 Randomized
clinical trial.
Comparison in a group of 43 pa-
tients randomly divided into 4
groups (1: omission of functio
nal impression, 2: omission of
functional impression+semi-
ajustable articulator use, 3:
omission of semi-adjustable ar
ticulator use, 4: control group).
No significant differences were
obtained in terms of satisfac
tion and clinical quality.
Fernández, E., Rivero, M.G., Díaz-Yokens, M., Padilla, P. (2021) Traditional versus simplified impression methods for
complete dentures: critical appraisal of evidence. Odontología Vital 34: 57-64.
Cunha TR,
Vecchia MP,
R. Regis RR,
Ribeiro AB,
Muglia VA,
Mestriner W.
2013 Randomized
clinical trial.
Comparison in a group of 39
randomly divided patients,
assessing masticatory perfor
mance and capacity.
Both groups have similar mas
ticatory behavior.
Carlsson GE,
Ortorp A,
Omar R.
2013 Critical Review Databases used: PubMed, Med
line, The Cochrane Library. Five
relevant randomized clinical
trials were included, compa
ring both methods by assessing
clinical quality and patient
No significant differences ob
tained between both methods.
Nuñez M, Sil
va D, Barcelos
B, Reles C.
2013 Randomized
clinical trial.
Comparison in a randomly
divided group of 52 patients,
assessing quality of life and
patient satisfaction.
No significant differences ob
tained between both methods.
Jo A, Kana
zawa M, Sato
Y, Iwaki M,
Akiba N, Mi
nakuchi S.
2015 Randomized
clinical trial.
Comparison in a group of 24
patients randomly divided into
2 groups, assessing patient
satisfaction and oral-health-
related quality of life.
No significant quality of life
difference was obtained. The
traditional method was supe
rior in terms of patient satisfac-
Regis RR, Al
ves CC, Rocha
SS, Negreiros
WA, Freitas-
Pontes KM.
2016 Sistematic
Databases used: PubMed, Med
16 articles were included.
No significant differences were
found in terms of clinical qua-
lity, patient satisfaction, and
quality of life improvements.
CM, Gameiro
GH, Brondani
M, Owen P,
MacEntee MI.
2017 Randomized
clinical trial.
Comparison in a group of 20
randomly divided patients, as
sessing and masticatory perfor-
mance and capacity.
No significant differences
Ceruti P, Mo
bilio N, Bellia
E, Borracchini
A, Catapano
S, Gassino G.
2017 Randomized
clinical trial.
Comparison in a randomly
divided group of 64 patients,
assessing clinical quality and
patient satisfaction.
No significant differences ob
tained between both methods.
Ye Ye, Sun J . 2017 Sistematic
Databases used: MedLine, Pub
Med, EMBASE. Eleven articles
were included, 7 of which were
randomized clinical trials.
No significant differences were
obtained between the two
methods in terms of patient
satisfaction, clinical quality and
chewing capacity.
cu S, Cons-
tantinescu M.
2017 Critical Review Databases used: PubMed, Ame
rican College of Prosthodontists
database and non-indexed sou
rces. Does not specify quantity
of items included.
No significant differences were
obtained in terms of clinical
quality and patient satisfaction.
Kawai Y,
Murakami H,
Feine JS.
2018 Randomized
clinical trial.
Comparison in a randomly
divided group of 103 patients,
assessing patient satisfaction
and masticatory performance at
10 years post-inhalation.
No significant differences ob
tained between both methods.
Revista Odontología Vital Enero - Junio 2021. Año 19. Volumen 1, No. 34
M, Seguel-
Galdames F,
jos I, Uribe
2018 Randomized
clinical trial
Comparison in a randomly
divided group of 38 patients,
assessing patient satisfaction
and clinical quality.
No significant differences ob
tained between both methods.
S, Singh BP,
B, Pazha
niappan P,
MacDonald L,
2018 Critical Review Databases used: Cochrane Li
brary, MedLine, EMBASE.
Nine articles were included, 8
of which studied a total of 485
No significant differences ob
tained between both methods.
Tripathi A,
Singh SV,
Aggarwal H,
Gupta A.
2019. Randomized
clinical trial.
Comparison of a group of 96
randomly divided patients
evaluating bone resorption of
the mandibular residual ridge
in patients with different bone
densities, objectively assessed
by means of a CT scan at one
year post-installation.
Simplified method generates
less bone resorption of the
mandibular residual ridge in
patients with decreased bone
IS, Freitas-
Pontes KM,
Souza RF,
Negreiros WA,
Ramos M,
Peixoto RF,
Regis RR.
2020 Randomized
clinical trial.
Comparison in a group of 52
randomly divided patients, as
sessing mandibular resorption
in terms of masticatory perfor
mance and capacity, patient
satisfaction, and subsequent
No significant differences ob
tained between both methods.
Sun, 2017; Kawai et al., 2018). This
procedure offers comparative ad
vantages such as reducing costs,
materials, number of clinical ses-
sions and laboratory time, thereby
providing access to the treatment
for the most disadvantaged popu-
lation, without sacrificing biofunc-
tional and prosthodontic princi-
ples (Duncan & Taylor, 2001; Owen,
2004; Kawai et al., 2005; Cunha et
al., 2013; Carlsson et al., 2013). A
considerable number of studies
report that there are no significant
differences between the two meth-
ods in terms of patient satisfaction,
clinical quality, performance and
masticatory capacity, when these
variables were controlled for over
the short and long term (Duncan
& Taylor, 2001; Kawai et al., 2005;
Carlsson, 2010; Omar et al., 2013;
Cunha et al., 2013; Ye Ye & Sun,
2017; Mengatto et al., 2107; Ceruti
et al., 2017; Kawai et al., 2018; Lira-
Oetiker et al., 2018).
Based on the consistency of the
evidence presented, the simplified
method appears as an acceptable
protocol for the manufacturing
and quality control of prosthetic
devices (Carlsson, 2010; Carlsson
& Omar, 2010; Omar et al., 2013;
Carlsson et al., 2013).
It seems that the prevailing ap
proach in the literature, under-
graduate teaching, and specialized
practice as to the need for and the
“superiority” of using the tradi-
tional method, in detriment of the
simplified method, should be re-
considered. While some particu-
lar clinical situations may benefit
from the application of the tradi
tional method, the simple and in-
expensive one-step procedure - the
simplified method - has shown that
it fulfills the needs of the vast ma-
jority of totally edentulous patients
(Petropoulos & Rashedi, 2003;
Kawai et al., 2010; Carlsson et al.,
2013; Kawai et al., 2018). Regard-
ing the advisability of exclusively
teaching the traditional method at
the undergraduate level, we sug-
gest to revise the dental curriculum
- including the simplified method
(Duncan & Taylor, 2001; Kawai
et al., 2018; Carlsson et al., 2013),
while highlighting the benefits that
this change will have providing
wider dental coverage, especially
for patients from disadvantaged
1- Albuquerque IS, Freitas-Pontes KM, de Souza RF, Negreiros WA, Ramos MB, Peixoto RF, Regis RR. (2020) Is a two-step
impression mandatory for complete denture fabrication on the severely resorbed mandible? A randomized trial on mas
tication, patient satisfaction and adjustments. J Dent. (Journal pre-proof nº103357). doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103357
2- Balachandran A, De Beer J, James KS, Wissen L, Janssen F. (2020) Comparison of population aging in Europe and
Asia using a time-consistent and comparative aging measure. J Aging Health. 32(5-6): 340-351.
3- Carlsson GE. (2009) Critical review of some dogmas in prosthodontics. J Prosthodont Res. 53, 3-10.
4- Carlsson GE. (2010) Some dogmas related to prosthodontics, temporomandibular disorders and occlusion. Acta
Odontol Scand. 68:313-322.
5- Carlsson GE, Omar R. (2010) The future of complete dentures in oral rehabilitation. A critical review. J Oral Rehabil.
6- Carlsson GE, Ortorp A, Omar R. (2013) What is the evidence base for the efficacies of different complete denture im
pression procedures? A critical review. J Dent. 41(1):17-23. doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2012.11.015
7- Ceruti P, Mobilio N, Bellia E, Borracchini A, Catapano S, Gassino G. (2017) Simplified edentulous treatment: a mul
ticenter randomized controlled trial to evaluate the timing and clinical outcomes of the technique. J Prosthet Dent.
8- Cunha TR, Della Vecchia MP, Regis RR, Ribeiro AB, Muglia VA, Mestriner W, et al. (2013) A randomised trial on
simplified and conventional methods for complete denture fabrication: Masticatory performance and ability. J Dent.
9- Duncan JP, Taylor TD. (2001) Teaching an abbreviated impression technique for complete dentures in an undergra
duate dental curriculum. J Prosthet Dent. 85(2):121-125.
10- Galaz S, Miranda F, García O, Acosta H, Carrasco L. (2012) Estudio comparativo de la retención en prótesis totales
superiores elaboradas en impresiones de alginato y pasta zinquenólica. Rev dent Chile. 103(2):23-28.
11- Heydecke G, Vogeler M, Wolkewitz M, Türp JC, Strub JR. (2008) Simplified versus comprehensive fabrication of com
plete dentures: Patient ratings of denture satisfaction from a randomized crossover trial. Quintessence Int. 39(2)2:107-
12- Hwang D, Wang H L. (2006) Medical contraindications to implant therapy: Part I: Absolute contraindications.
Implant Dent.15(4):353-360.
13- Jagger R. (2006) Simple complete denture techniques can provide patient satisfaction. EBD.7:12. doi.org/10.1038/
14- Jayaraman S, Singh BP, Ramanathan B, Pazhaniappan P, MacDonald L, Kirubakaran R. (2018) Final-impression
techniques and materials for making complete and removable partial dentures (Review). Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
4;4(4):CD012256. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012256
According to the available infor
mation, the traditional method of
taking impressions for complete
removable dental prostheses does
not provide significantly superior
clinical results when compared to
those obtained using the simplified
method in terms of clinical quality,
patient satisfaction, performance
and masticatory capacity.
Considering the limitations of this
study, which arise mainly from
the methodology employed, and
despite the fact that some special
clinical situations may benefit
from other combinations of mate-
rials and techniques, the reported
scientific evidence supports the
appropriateness of the simplified
approach in fulfilling the prosthet-
ic needs for the majority of com-
pletely edentulous patients.
Fernández, E., Rivero, M.G., Díaz-Yokens, M., Padilla, P. (2021) Traditional versus simplified impression methods for
complete dentures: critical appraisal of evidence. Odontología Vital 34: 57-64.
Revista Odontología Vital Enero - Junio 2021. Año 19. Volumen 1, No. 34
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