Chemical dependency, which in-
cludes both alcoholism and drug
addiction, is a primary illness char-
acterized by the dependence to a
mood-altering chemical (Kalivas &
Volkow, 2005). A chemically depen-
dent person is not able to stop drink-
ing or using a drug despite serious
social and health consequences.
It is possible that chemically depen-
dent subjects may present relevant
changes in the volume and compo-
sition of the salivary fluid because
the secretion of the salivary glands
is controlled by the parasympa-
thetic and sympathetic systems,
simultaneously (Carpenter, 2013;
Proctor & Carpenter, 2007) which
can be affected by alcohol, drugs or
both (Aps & Martens, 2005; Enberg,
Alho, Loimaranta, & Lenander-Lu-
mikari, 2001; Newlin, 1995). Those
changes can be responsible for the
disturbances on the integrity of the
enamel, periodontal tissues and
oral mucosa (Antoniazzi et al., 2018;
Cho, Hirsch, & Johnstone, 2005;
da Fonseca, 2009; Rawal, Tatakis,
& Tipton, 2012; Reddy et al., 2012;
Sordi, Massochin, Camargo, Lemos,
& Munhoz, 2017).
Some studies have shown that sali-
vary constituents, such as proteins,
calcium, phosphate, potassium,
bicarbonate, IgA, lisozyme and
lactoferrin may undergo changes
in their concentrations due to the
abuse of alcohol (Enberg et al.,
2001; Waszkiewicz et al., 2017;
Waszkiewicz, Zalewska-Szajda,
Zalewska, Waszkiewicz, Szajda,
Repka, Szulc, Kpka, et al., 2012;
Waszkiewicz, Zalewska-Szajda, Za-
lewska, Waszkiewicz, Szajda, Rep-
ka, Szulc, Kepka, et al., 2012; Wasz-
kiewicz, Zalewska, Szajda, Szulc, et
al., 2012; Waszkiewicz, Zalewska,
Szajda, Waszkiewicz, et al., 2012).
Nevertheless, there are no studies
evaluating if the salivary composi-
tion of patients with an alcohol or
illicit drug dependency is altered.
The objective of this study was to
compare the salivary concentra-
tion of proteins, amylase, urea,
calcium, phosphate and flow rate
between chemically dependent
and non-chemically dependent
Ethical approval
The study´s protocol was approved
by the Research Ethics Committee
of the Federal University of Paraná,
Brazil (Approval number: 84071).
All the participants received de-
tailed information concerning
the nature and the procedures in-
volved in the study and signed in-
formed consent forms.
Subject´s selection
Twenty-seven volunteers, males,
aged between 18 and 50 years old,
with alcohol dependence and drug
addiction, attending the Institute
for Research and Treatment of
Alcohol (Campo Largo, Paraná,
Brazil) were recruited. All the par-
ticipants were going to begin the
detoxification program.
The control group consisted of 27
healthy males, 18-50 years of age,
recruited from the Police Academy
of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. These
participants did not have alcohol
dependence nor reported the use
of drugs. Only healthy volunteers
were accepted for this group, and
individuals with any regular medi-
cation, substance-related addic-
tion or illness were excluded from
the study.
Saliva Collection
Saliva samples, from the chemi-
cally dependent group, were taken
one day before the detoxification
treatment started.
Stimulated saliva was collected be-
tween 09:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. in
a quiet room, free from external in-
terferences. The participants were
previously instructed to refrain from
eating, drinking, or cleaning their
teeth for 2 hours before the collec-
tion process. The saliva sample was
obtained with the use of paraffin film
in order to perform a five-minute
stimulation. Then, they spitted their
saliva into a sterile container (Sterile
Universal Collector - J.PROLAB 80
ml). The sample volumes were mea-
sured gravimetrically according to
the method of Banderas-Tarabay et
al., (1997) using a precision balance
(MARTE AM200, Santa Rita do Sa-
pucaí/MG, Brazil) and the samples
were immediately frozen at -20 °C
until further analysis. All the samples
were processed within 7 to 10 days.
Biochemical Analysis
All the samples were centrifuged at
2,600g for 10 min at 4°C to remove
cellular and food debris and none
of them were contaminated with
blood. Calcium and phosphate
concentrations were determined
by colorimetric testing. (Calcio
Liquiform, Labtest diagnostica,
Lagoa Santa/MG, Brazil; Fósforo,
Labtest diagnostica, Lagoa Santa/
MG, Brazil). Determination of pro-
tein concentration was carried out
using Coomassie blue with bovine
serum albumin as the standard.
Urea and amylase concentrations
were analyzed using enzymatic
colorimetric test kits (Urea UV
Liquiform, Labtest diagnostica, La-
goa Santa/MG, Brazil and Amilase,
Labtest diagnostica, Lagoa Santa/
MG, Brazil). All biochemical analy-
ses were done 3 times for each sali-
va sample using a spectrophotom-
eter (S-2000 UV - VIS, SP, Brazil).
Statistical analysis
The results were expressed as
mean ± standard deviation. Sta-
tistical analysis was undertaken
Odontología Vital Enero-Junio 2020. Volumen 1 No. 32 Año 18