Changes in salivary composition of
chemically dependent subjects
Changes in salivary composition of
chemically dependent subjects
Luciana Lyra, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil, lulyra@hotmail.com
William Bellani, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil, william.bellani@gmail.com
Carolina E. Mazur, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil, carolmazur6@hotmail.com
João A. Brancher, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil, jabrancher@hotmail.com
Antonio Adilson S. de Lima, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil, antollima@gmail.com
José Miguel Amenábar, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil, jamenaba@gmail.com
Chemically dependent subjects may present relevant changes in the volume and composition of salivary fluid
because the secretion of the salivary glands is controlled by the parasympathetic and sympathetic system. The
aim of this study was to compare the salivary concentration of total proteins, amylase, urea, calcium, phosphate
and flow rate between chemically dependent and non-chemically dependent subjects. Saliva flow rate, calcium,
phosphate, total protein, amylase and urea concentrations were measure in both groups: chemical dependent
group (n=27) and control group (n=27). Saliva samples, from the chemically dependents, were taken one day
before the beginning of the detoxification treatment. Statistical analysis was undertaken using t-test. The
salivary flow and the urea concentration did not present statistically significant difference between the groups.
However, total proteins, amylase, calcium and phosphate concentrations were statistically higher on the chemical
dependents group. Saliva composition seems to be modified by the chronic use of alcohol and illicit drugs.
Saliva, alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, salivary composition, substance-related disorders, substance dependence,
Los dependientes químicos pueden presentar cambios relevantes en el volumen y la composición de la saliva,
debido a que la secreción de las glándulas salivales es controlada por el sistema parasimpático y simpático.
El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la concentración salival de proteínas totales, amilasa, urea, calcio,
fosfato y la velocidad de flujo salival entre personas con dependencia química y no dependientes. Cada grupo
fue formado por 27 participantes. La velocidad del flujo salival y las concentraciones de calcio, fosfato, proteína
total, amilasa y urea se midieron en ambos grupos. Las muestras de saliva de los dependientes químicos se
tomaron un día antes de comenzar el tratamiento de desintoxicación. El análisis estadístico se realizó por medio
del test t de student. El flujo salival y la concentración de urea no presentaron diferencias estadísticamente
significativas entre los grupos. Sin embargo, las concentraciones de proteínas totales, amilasa, calcio y fosfato
fueron estadísticamente mayores en el grupo de dependientes químicos. El uso crónico de alcohol y de drogas
ilícitas provocan modificaciones en la composición salival.
Saliva, alcohol, cannabis, cocaína, composición salival, desórdenes asociados a sustancias, dependencia a
sustancias, drogas
Recibido: 17 junio, 2019
Aceptado para publicar: 5 diciembre, 2019
Cambios en la composición salival de personas
químicamente dependientes
Cambios en la composición salival de personas
químicamente dependientes
Lyra, L., Bellani, W., Mazur, C. E., Brancher, J. A., Adilson, A. & Amenábar, J. M. (2020). Changes in salivary composition
of chemically dependent subjects. Odontología Vital, 1(32), 63-70 https://doi.org/10.59334/ROV.v1i32.381
ISSN 2215-5740
Odontología Vital Enero-Junio 2020. Volumen 1 No. 32 Año 18 https://doi.org/10.59334/ROV.v1i32.381
Chemical dependency, which in-
cludes both alcoholism and drug
addiction, is a primary illness char-
acterized by the dependence to a
mood-altering chemical (Kalivas &
Volkow, 2005). A chemically depen-
dent person is not able to stop drink-
ing or using a drug despite serious
social and health consequences.
It is possible that chemically depen-
dent subjects may present relevant
changes in the volume and compo-
sition of the salivary fluid because
the secretion of the salivary glands
is controlled by the parasympa-
thetic and sympathetic systems,
simultaneously (Carpenter, 2013;
Proctor & Carpenter, 2007) which
can be affected by alcohol, drugs or
both (Aps & Martens, 2005; Enberg,
Alho, Loimaranta, & Lenander-Lu-
mikari, 2001; Newlin, 1995). Those
changes can be responsible for the
disturbances on the integrity of the
enamel, periodontal tissues and
oral mucosa (Antoniazzi et al., 2018;
Cho, Hirsch, & Johnstone, 2005;
da Fonseca, 2009; Rawal, Tatakis,
& Tipton, 2012; Reddy et al., 2012;
Sordi, Massochin, Camargo, Lemos,
& Munhoz, 2017).
Some studies have shown that sali-
vary constituents, such as proteins,
calcium, phosphate, potassium,
bicarbonate, IgA, lisozyme and
lactoferrin may undergo changes
in their concentrations due to the
abuse of alcohol (Enberg et al.,
2001; Waszkiewicz et al., 2017;
Waszkiewicz, Zalewska-Szajda,
Zalewska, Waszkiewicz, Szajda,
Repka, Szulc, Kpka, et al., 2012;
Waszkiewicz, Zalewska-Szajda, Za-
lewska, Waszkiewicz, Szajda, Rep-
ka, Szulc, Kepka, et al., 2012; Wasz-
kiewicz, Zalewska, Szajda, Szulc, et
al., 2012; Waszkiewicz, Zalewska,
Szajda, Waszkiewicz, et al., 2012).
Nevertheless, there are no studies
evaluating if the salivary composi-
tion of patients with an alcohol or
illicit drug dependency is altered.
The objective of this study was to
compare the salivary concentra-
tion of proteins, amylase, urea,
calcium, phosphate and flow rate
between chemically dependent
and non-chemically dependent
Ethical approval
The study´s protocol was approved
by the Research Ethics Committee
of the Federal University of Paraná,
Brazil (Approval number: 84071).
All the participants received de-
tailed information concerning
the nature and the procedures in-
volved in the study and signed in-
formed consent forms.
Subject´s selection
Twenty-seven volunteers, males,
aged between 18 and 50 years old,
with alcohol dependence and drug
addiction, attending the Institute
for Research and Treatment of
Alcohol (Campo Largo, Paraná,
Brazil) were recruited. All the par-
ticipants were going to begin the
detoxification program.
The control group consisted of 27
healthy males, 18-50 years of age,
recruited from the Police Academy
of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. These
participants did not have alcohol
dependence nor reported the use
of drugs. Only healthy volunteers
were accepted for this group, and
individuals with any regular medi-
cation, substance-related addic-
tion or illness were excluded from
the study.
Saliva Collection
Saliva samples, from the chemi-
cally dependent group, were taken
one day before the detoxification
treatment started.
Stimulated saliva was collected be-
tween 09:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. in
a quiet room, free from external in-
terferences. The participants were
previously instructed to refrain from
eating, drinking, or cleaning their
teeth for 2 hours before the collec-
tion process. The saliva sample was
obtained with the use of paraffin film
in order to perform a five-minute
stimulation. Then, they spitted their
saliva into a sterile container (Sterile
Universal Collector - J.PROLAB 80
ml). The sample volumes were mea-
sured gravimetrically according to
the method of Banderas-Tarabay et
al., (1997) using a precision balance
(MARTE AM200, Santa Rita do Sa-
pucaí/MG, Brazil) and the samples
were immediately frozen at -20 °C
until further analysis. All the samples
were processed within 7 to 10 days.
Biochemical Analysis
All the samples were centrifuged at
2,600g for 10 min at 4°C to remove
cellular and food debris and none
of them were contaminated with
blood. Calcium and phosphate
concentrations were determined
by colorimetric testing. (Calcio
Liquiform, Labtest diagnostica,
Lagoa Santa/MG, Brazil; Fósforo,
Labtest diagnostica, Lagoa Santa/
MG, Brazil). Determination of pro-
tein concentration was carried out
using Coomassie blue with bovine
serum albumin as the standard.
Urea and amylase concentrations
were analyzed using enzymatic
colorimetric test kits (Urea UV
Liquiform, Labtest diagnostica, La-
goa Santa/MG, Brazil and Amilase,
Labtest diagnostica, Lagoa Santa/
MG, Brazil). All biochemical analy-
ses were done 3 times for each sali-
va sample using a spectrophotom-
eter (S-2000 UV - VIS, SP, Brazil).
Statistical analysis
The results were expressed as
mean ± standard deviation. Sta-
tistical analysis was undertaken
Odontología Vital Enero-Junio 2020. Volumen 1 No. 32 Año 18
Table 1. Age, alcohol and illicit drugs use
(quantity and duration) by groups
Age: mean years (SD) Chemically dependent (27) Control (27)
Alcoholic beverage
Use (n)
Quantity, ml/day (SD)
Duration, years (SD
37.56 (10.70)
1598.62 (660.72)
21.92 (12.05)
38.15 (11.12)
Use (n)
Quantity, mg/day (SD)
Duration, years (SD)
60.4 (30.7)
11.62 (8.82)
Smoke Cocaine
Use (n)
Quantity, mg/day (SD)
Duration, years (SD)
66.6 (22.5)
7.46 (4.20)
Use (n)
Quantity, g/week (SD)
Duration, years (SD
6.84 (2.72)
13.15 (8.45)
Table 2. Comparison of the salivary variables between the groups.
dependent (27)
Saliva flow rate, ml/min (SD) 0.94 ± 0.80 0.84 ± 0.42 0.595
Total protein, mg/mL (SD) 0.45 ± 0.31 0.28 ± 0.22 0.022
Amylase, U/dL (SD) 766.7 ± 6.6 753.6 ± 28.3 0.035
Urea, mg/mL (SD) 3.04 ± 2.67 3.05 ± 2.26 0.988
Calcium, mg/mL (SD) 0.12 ± 0.06 0.050 ± 0.04 <
Phosphate, mg/mL (SD 0.78 ± 0.22 0.55 ± 0.17 <
Students t test for independent samples, p<0.05
using Student’s t test for indepen-
dent samples. A p-value <0.05 was
accepted to be statistically signifi-
cant. Statistical analysis was per-
formed with Statistical Package for
the Social Sciences for Windows
(SPSS, version 20.0, SPSS Inc., Chi-
cago, IL, USA).
The mean age of the chemically
dependent group was 37.56 ± 10.70
years, while the control group
showed 38.15 ± 11.12 years. None
of the participants of the control
group reported the use of alcohol
or illicit drugs. On the other hand,
all subjects in the addiction group
confirmed using alcohol and co-
caine. Also, 48% of these partici-
pants used to smoke cocaine or
cannabis. The quantity and dura-
tion of the consumption are pre-
sented in Table 1.
Salivary flow and urea concen-
tration did not show statistically
significant differences between
groups, however, total proteins,
amylase, calcium and phosphate
concentration were higher on the
chemically dependent group. Ta-
ble 2 shows the comparison of the
analyzed variables.
The results of the study show alter-
ations of the salivary composition
among the chemically dependent
subjects. Several studies have re-
ported the dangerous character of
alcohol and illicit drugs, as well as
their physiological consequences
in short and long terms (Cho et al.,
2005; Gossop, Manning, & Ridge,
2006; Pateria, de Boer, & MacQuil-
lan, 2013; Singh et al., 2017). On the
other hand, there are no studies
evaluating the salivary composi-
tion on chemically dependent sub-
jects, or they were not found dur-
ing the literature review made for
this research.
Alcohol acts as a central nervous
system (CNS) depressant and it´s
effects are potentially deleterious
and irreversible to the CNS (Ron &
Barak, 2016). There is an increase
in the synthesis and release of
noradrenaline through the blood
vessels (Koob, 1992). The salivary
fluid becomes thicker due to the
sympathetic adrenergic stimulus
by increasing the effects of sympa-
thetic nervous activity (Carpenter,
2013). Consequently, saliva may
present lower fluidity and higher
secretion of proteins and calcium,
as observed in the study.
Cannabis also affects the CNS in a
similar way to alcohol. It has depres-
sant and psychomimetic effects.
Muscarinic receptors, from acetyl-
choline, are coupled to G protein
and produce excitatory and stimu-
latory effects of salivary gland se-
cretion, known as parasympathetic
stimulation (Proctor & Carpenter,
2014). The abusive use of canna-
bis results in anticholinergic activ-
ity such as a blockage of the effects
of acetylcholine on muscarinic M3
receptors (Ralevic, 2003), that may
decrease salivary secretion. There-
fore, this constant sympathetic
stimulation leads to the production
of viscous saliva, low in quantity and
but rich in proteins and inorganic
electrolytes (Aps & Martens, 2005).
This may also explain the difference
found between groups, in the total
protein and calcium concentration.
On the other hand, cocaine (crack)
is a sympathomimetic drug of in-
direct action, since it blocks the
transport of noradrenaline, sero-
tonin and dopamine in the syn-
aptic cleft, occurring prolongation
of the user’s euphoric sensation
(Dackis & O’Brien, 2001). It inhib-
its the capture of catecholamines
by noradrenaline and dopamine
transporters to noradrenergic
nerve terminals, intensifying the
effects of sympathetic nervous ac-
tivity (Riezzo et al., 2012). These
may induce changes in the saliva
flow rate. While some authors re-
ported that saliva flow does not
change (Woyceichoski et al., 2013),
but others had found a significant
association between the use of
crack and a reduced salivary flow
(Antoniazzi et al., 2018). In the
present study we did not see any
difference on stimulated salivary
flow between groups.
Stimulated saliva provides infor-
mation about the secretory capac-
ity of the salivary glands. The sali-
vary composition is influenced by
the taste and mechanical stimulus
(Carpenter, 2013). The acid stimu-
lus may interfere with the buffer
capacity and cause precipitation
of certain salivary proteins and
calcium (Dawes, 1984). In order
to avoid alterations in the salivary
composition in this study it was
used only a mechanical stimula-
tion with insipid wax.
The significant increase of total
proteins, amylase, calcium and
phosphate found in the saliva of
the chemically dependent group
may be explained by the control of
the central and autonomic nervous
system in the salivary glands (Proc-
tor & Carpenter, 2014). Secretion of
the salivary glands is qualitatively
and quantitatively modified in the
presence of sympathetic and para-
sympathetic nervous stimulus (Aps
& Martens, 2005) and both, alcohol
and illicit drugs influence the re-
sponse of the sympathetic system
(Koob, 1992; Magura & Rosen-
blum, 2000; Olière, Joliette-Riopel,
Potvin, & Jutras-Aswad, 2013).
The salivary parameters that pre-
sented statistical differences (to-
tal proteins, amylase, calcium and
phosphate) are related to the au-
tonomic nervous mechanism in
the salivary secretion (Proctor &
Carpenter, 2014). The nerve fibers
of the sympathetic system release
noradrenalin that binds α and β
adrenergic receptors. β -receptors,
whose second messenger is cyclic
AMP (cyclic adenosine monophos-
phate) stimulates the precipitation
of enzymes and proteins. There is
an increase in permeability of the
membranes of acinar cells, which
contain zymogen granules that
stores proteins that are liberated
in high amounts (Castle & Castle,
1998; Proctor, 2016; Turner & Sugi-
ya, 2002). That is why β-adrenergic
stimulus results in increased pro-
tein (Turner & Sugiya, 2002) and
salivary phosphate concentration
(Beal, 1991).
The α-adrenergic receptors activate
P substance, a peptidergic receptor
that acts as mediator of the nervous
stimulus, present in the acinar cell
membrane. This increases the lev-
els of calcium and the quantity of
salivary, by potentiating the effect of
acetylcholine (Aps & Martens, 2005;
Proctor, 2016), which can explain
why the salivary calcium concen-
tration in the chemical dependent
group was higher.
Urea is a normal component of
saliva and it is passively diffused
from blood (Macpherson & Dawes,
1991; Thorn, Prause, & Oxholm,
1989). The results of the biochemi-
cal analysis of urea showed no
significant difference between the
two groups. The urea concentra-
tion is dependent on the salivary
flow (Thorn et al., 1989) and since
there was no variation of the sali-
vary flow between the groups, it
can be expected that urea concen-
tration remained the same.
In this study, all the participants of
the chemically dependent group
reported that they used cocaine as
well as alcohol and sometimes can-
nabis. This is an important limita-
tion of the study, because it makes
very difficult to draw specific con-
clusions for each substance and
it is impossible to discern if the
modifications in saliva composi-
Odontología Vital Enero-Junio 2020. Volumen 1 No. 32 Año 18
tion are due to the use of alcohol, a
specific drug or the combination of
all of them. On the other hand, it is
extremely difficult to select chemi-
cally dependent users who con-
sume only one kind of drug.
Saliva composition can have an
impact in oral health, and it seems
to be altered on the chemically de-
pendent subjects. Future studies
with larger samples and analysis of
other salivary constituents should
be performed, as well as longitudi-
nal follow-up to verify if the chang-
es continue in the long term.
Acknowledgments: We thank the
Coordination for the Improvement
of Higher Level Education Person-
nel (CAPES) for the postgraduate
scholarship for LL, WB and CEM.
Luciana Lyraa, William Bellania, Carolina
E. Mazura, João A. Brancherb, Antonio
Adilson S. de Limaa, José Miguel Amená-
a) Stomatology Department, Universida-
de Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná,
b) Department of Biological Sciences,
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Para-
ná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Luciana Lyra:
William Bellani:
Carolina E. Mazur:
João A. Brancher:
Antonio Adilson S. de Lima:
José Miguel Amenábar:
Corresponding Author:
José Miguel Amenábar
Posgraduate Program in Dentistry, Uni-
versidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba,
Paraná, Brazil Av. Pref. Lothário Meissner,
632 – Jardim Botânico 80210-170 Curitiba,
PR. Tel: +55(41) 3360-4024 / Fax: +55(41)
3360-4134. jamenaba@gmail.com
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Odontología Vital Enero-Junio 2020. Volumen 1 No. 32 Año 18
Derechos de Autor © 2020 Luciana Lyra, William Bellani, Carolina E. Mazur, João A.
Brancher, Antonio Adilson S. de Lima y José Miguel Amenábar. Esta obra se encuentra protegida por una
licencia Creative Commons de Atribución Internacional 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)